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Back from Fiji

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Wow, it's been a while since I've contributed here. My sincere apologies for that. I've been quite busy as business has picked up recently at the kava bar, and we're shipping out more and more wholesale root for other kava vendors and nakamals.
I just returned from Fiji, where my wife, some friends and I had a not suprisingly awesome time. I finagled my way into a Fiji trip when The Wife told me she wanted to go somewhere tropical to celebrate her 35th and the New Year. Knowing that I could experience another kava drinking culture and hopefully make some connections, I mentioned how beautiful Fiji is and we made it happen. We got a great group of friends together and spent a lot of time scuba diving, playing games, eating great food, and drinking kava of course. The people of Fiji were fantasticly friendy. The most relevant part of the trip as it pertains to Bula Kava House was when I indulged myself in a massage near the town of Savusavu. After the massage I was told that my therapist's husband is also a kava farmer (massage tax write off!!). She retrieved him and he and I spoke for a while about kava and my business. His ability and desire to export struck me as more likely than most kava farmers. Typically, farmers sell to an exporter who takes care of the logistics. This guy gave me the impression that he could do it all. He also provided me with a sample of his kava which I made when I returned. It was the most pleasant Fijian Waka I had ever tried.
I also spent some time on the ridiculously lush island of Taveuni. I did some scuba diving there and it turned out my guide was also a kava farmer, and pretty much everyone he knew was a kava farmer. I gave him some of my kava and he gave me contact info for a few folks who export his root.
I'm excited to get the ball rolling getting things set up to import some awesome Fijian Waka. These things don't happen overnight, but keep your eyes out for additions to the product line in the coming months.