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Back to my roots.


Here, now.
I've always been one to explore or at least be curious about different drugs/plants/compounds. As long as I've researched them and they seem like something to give positive effects and could help me in some way - why not try it out! I've been using kava as needed for about 8 months now and I'm disappointed it took me so long to stumble upon it! I would have consumed much less alcohol the last couple years.

Anyways, I've been dealing with some annoying pains in various parts of my body and although kava usually does help, it gets a little expensive to be dosing everyday. So I looked into the plant K@. People whom support it make it out to be some miracle plant with unnoticeable WD unless you're using daily for long periods of time. Well, I've been using it for the past two or three weeks, sadly everyday - I do seem to have an addictive personality. I thought, well, it's just a plant like kava or weed which I don't have a problem kicking - plus it will take longer to become a problem. It definitely did help my pain but I gained a slight dependence to it - it's my second day without and these past days I've had a weird fatigue and brain fog from it! Also I've had trouble sleeping.

So I'm back. Back to that sweet root that keeps me grounded. You guys give kava praise and rightfully so. I love how kava doesn't give me these types of withdrawals and is such a handy tool. I'm still addicted to nicotine but it helped me quit this past summer for a month and I'll be using it again when I kick it after this semester. So, yeah, I picked up some micro KWK off Amazon (holla free same day shipping!) and I'm so happy to be groovin right now. Planning on saving up for some bulk GHK and I have some kava candies on deck for at school. Hope everyone's doing well!


Here, now.
K@ isn't worth it unless you're in chronic pain and ready to use heroin. otherwise... it's gonna get ya ! like It did me ...
Are you clean from it now? I hear ya man, I suppose it is a good tool but only for certain circumstances like you said.

Deleted User01

I remember when I tried K@. I made like 10 capsules and was popping them every 2 minutes in the back yard. I finally got some effects but it seemed to be too much trouble for me. Back then, I was trying all kinds of botanicals until I settled on Kava. Here's another little tidbit. I don't think I have taken a break from kava in 3 years and my tolerance has gone way down. I almost get wasted on just 2 doses anymore ... which is good.


I'm not finding K@ in the least bit dangerous or negative after about half a year, basically averaging 5 grams day... albeit @ 10 grams every other day. The day off is to prevent a tolerance build up. It's cheap. I might spend $5 a week.

I do look forward to experiencing kava soon. The cheap stuff I've tried hasn't done anything for me so far, so I'm getting some high quality from one of the vendors mentioned in this forum's faq. From what I'm hearing regarding reverse tolerance, I'm wondering if sometime down the road, the cheap stuff that hasn't done anything for me will actually start working. Heh.

If I end up enjoying kava on the level I do K@, I'll be tickled silly