So I've been trying out a few instants since I'm generally exhausted and fairly lazy after a long day at work and/or school. I tried out BKH's Instant Green yesterday which was very enjoyable (see Grand Review thread for full review). Today I tried out Kava Kauai's Kava Kwik, same dosage at 1 tsp per cup, 4 cups total. This stuff is also very good and worth a look. Its appearance is very similar to the Instant Green but maybe a little less pollen-y and there aren't as many clumps in it so I guess it's not as sticky either. In dry form, it's more powdery than creamy if that makes any sense. Still, it's a nice go-to instant. Right now I've got the noodle arms, tingling in the back of my neck and definitely feel pretty mellow. There's a decent amount of kavain I'd guess, since it left me with numb lips for about 5 minutes after drinking (probably on par with BKH as far as numbing) and I feel light and floaty. My head has a nice buzz as well, and I feel a slight loss of coordination. I guess it's probably pretty close to BKH's Instant Green. It does seem like appearance-wise, Instant Green came with more for the same weight (100g) but it's tough to tell considering the difference in packaging. I just get that impression, especially since Instant Green seems really dense with lots of clumps. Overall, this is a nice instant and I'd definitely buy it again. One difference that I noticed was that the Kava Kwik seemed to give me that burst of energy that I sometimes get after drinking certain types of kava. It could be purely situational, though, and I'll have to try more to see if I get the same again. I think I prefer BKH, but this is a good alternative. I plan on trying out the Island Kava Instant tomorrow and will post back about that soon.