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Big Bulk Kava on the Amazon.

Kava Time

Kava Vendor
The cheapest waka you could get in Fiji right now goes for US$50/kg after fully dried. Those would be less that 2 yrs old (not matured). Peeled Lawena goes for US$40 after fully dried. They are selling for $39/kg after amazon fees. Didnt factor cost of shipping from Fiji to US and their profit margin. Hmm i wonder whats in their kava for it to be so cheap?

I think there was an article online about a Fiji exporter (Bilo Sinai) who called for price control on kava in Fiji because they would be losing out export markets due to the price. They went to an expo (Pacifika Fete) at Auckland and found out that there is no way to be able to sell high quality 100% Fijian kava in NZ because the market is not willing to pay such high prices and the only way to not be affected by the price hikes in Fiji would be to import kava from vanuatu and mix with Fijian Kava.