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Kava Preparation Blender timing and cosmic slop


Kava Enthusiast
It's a very cool experience, especially watching the different colors. I think it's more effective for me and my girly hands. :wacky: What speed do you run the blender on? I can't figure out whether to run it on high speed or low speed.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
It's a very cool experience, especially watching the different colors. I think it's more effective for me and my girly hands. :wacky: What speed do you run the blender on? I can't figure out whether to run it on high speed or low speed.
aha, good question. When I am doing the Manoa prep it is on a high speed for one minute, then knead, then repeat two more times.

But when I am making a krunk prep I switch t to low and just use the pulse button and do 5 short one second pulses with a few seconds in between each pulse, then a single sustained 20 second pulse, and the 5 more short one second pulses, then let it sit for ten minutes and pour through the strainer and stif till the makas turns dry anough there are no more drops coming through the strainer.

I think the two approaches emphasize different effects from different kavalactones, the krunk prep emphasizing the first 6 kavalactones and especially the first three. Also, I think there is definitely a different effect, specifically a krunkward effect, from having more fine particles in the grog that have been very recently and very vigorously macerated for a short time.

PS Today I did try making a pint jar for work-sipping using a blend and strain but using KWK's package suggestion of 4 minutes on high. I used a pint/aka 500ml/ aka two cups of hot water only and added a TBS of KWK Vula and about 2.5 TBS Wakacon Waka and blended on high for as I say 4 minutes, let it sit ten minutes and then stirred through my strainer. This stuff was thick, with lots of sandy gritty particles which settle to about 1/3 of the jar if I let it sit. I shake it up before having a shell (I also chill it in the fridge), but this is strong, too strong for work, to be honest and I have a chill job with a ton of leeway. I think I'll just be doing Manoa prep for work from now on, as I was doing even though this is the same proportion of root to liquid, or close to it. Of course, with the Manoa prep you have three strainings through a bag, and though there is sediment, there's a lot less, and it's much finer, almost like a silky mud, not like hard gritty sand (this stuff feels like it's scratching your throat while it is going down and is probably why it is "too strong"). In fact, the bottom of the jar of Manoan prep is a treat and if you have just a 2 oz shell with the sediment mixed in (just shake it up, it stays mixed just fine for a few minutes) it is as strong as a regular 4 oz shell.


Kava Enthusiast
Think I've found the most effective daytime dose to get my thoughts and words flowing. Two tablespoons kumakua, one cup of water. Blended on low speed for two minutes. Nice, happy, focused feeling and a creamy nutty flavor. I always use a metal strainer, so I get lots of sediment as well. For larger batches I use my larger strainer with bigger holes, and then strain it through my finer one. Glad it works, because I didn't have a strainer bag, and I was running out of socks. :sick:

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Think I've found the most effective daytime dose to get my thoughts and words flowing. Two tablespoons kumakua, one cup of water. Blended on low speed for two minutes. Nice, happy, focused feeling and a creamy nutty flavor. I always use a metal strainer, so I get lots of sediment as well. For larger batches I use my larger strainer with bigger holes, and then strain it through my finer one. Glad it works, because I didn't have a strainer bag, and I was running out of socks. :sick:
One trick I've used is to strain it through that strainer twice or even three times and that does get out most of the sandy grit