That is somewhat odd if it is the case. Should be fairly easy to test for those with the proper tools, a biopsy of fat (I'd gladly offer some blobs), and analyse that for kavalactones. Another thing that goes on my google list for when I get curious about things
Yeah, I am not seeing weight loss as an effect I prioritize. For my sake it is more a matter of being aware of what strains might make things worse, and at least not start out with those. I am not particularly bothered by being fat, but I figure I am chunky enough.
Acutely? Whatever can help me sleep would be what is first in line to be tested out. I have had minimal with sleep the last weeks, part due to severe stress, part due to that my brain just seems to be stuck in "awake". It happens from time to time, and it messes up everything.
Longer term, pain relief will be my main priority in the winter. I have very tense muscles due to a error in my spine, and decades of stress. Anxiety, I am not diagnosed there, but I would not be surprised if I "qualify". I figure that anything that helps for general relaxation also helps for anxiety. It is a lesser priority than pain management, but it would not harm if it knocked out the rabid hamsters in my head.
I am, for now, not seeking out "daytime/work kavas". I am perfectly fine with focusing on finding something to use once or twice pr week just to go to bed and stay there until it fades. So remove pain, and make me sleepy enough for that I manage to sleep. I am still waiting for the shipping (I am in Europe), but of the KVK ones, it seems like Togan and Borongoru seems likely to be best to put in the drawer for a bit and wait until I actually want to be awake, and Vanuatu should be a decent place to start. The Fiji one seems interesting, but in small doses if so.
Yeah, I will be spacing it out quite a lot. At very least give it 24 hours between, but knowing myself right it will be a rarity that I go under 72 hours apart. I guess I am lucky, my usage of painkillers in general is rather uneven. One month I can end up having to use quite a bit, and then it is months until I even touch it. I primarily use ibuprofen/codeine, paracetamol/codeine is more as a emergency thing (it works faster for me). I also use liberal amounts of turmeric, it actually seems to work on joint pains in a whole different way than other things I use. I am not overly concerned, but it is definitively something to be aware of.
How does the Fiji Vaka compares for you to the Vanuatu one? It seems likely that I am ending up with one, or both, of them at least.