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Powdered Kava Review Borogu


Kava Lover
As I guzzled this kava I noticed the flavor was much more tolerable than several others I have tried. Less of that "soapy" flavor you get with Nambawan, but piney and earthy, just the way I like it. after taking my last gulp I immediately laid back on the carpeted floor for a moment, and felt the stress melt away. I began to think about just how blessed I am to be on this earth, with access to the luxuries of the world such as kava and other plants, and generally being without "real" problems. I had been in a sort of uncomfortable mood in the hours before the kava, feeling impatient, uncertain, and kind of lacking motivation. This feeling of uncertainty is quickly being pushed to the side in favor of a deep contentedness. I can tell this is the perfect kava for music, so let me do a little listening, maybe have another shell, and follow up shortly.
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Kava Enthusiast
Sounds, good. Is it true that Borogu Has the Anxiolytic effects of Boroguru without being as sedating?


Kava Lover
I'd agree with that statement. I went on to have another 2 tbs a little later on and I was pretty krunk, I'd been drinking kava every day this week and this was the point where I had enough, my head was throbbing a little and I was nauseas but it wasn't terrible, far less rough than alcohol can get. I'm kinda glad I made it to this point because I definitely need at least a day off every week if not two or three. I'm not entirely sure if the kavalactones have just been building up in my system or borogu triggered it but I finally woke up this morning with a forcefield... Something I'd been beginning to wonder if I'd ever achieve. It's a very nice feeling to have an anxiety free day without taking anything, but I had some L-theanine this morning on top of the forcefield and it seemed to boost it to the level of cool confidence I get when I'm koned. Do you guys think it took a week to build the forcefield, or it's just the borogu? Also, do you find that the forcefield and the feeling of aversion to more kava go hand in hand, or is it coincidence? It's interesting to say the least


Do all things with love
@ThePiper The feeling of aversion to kava could come from a number of things, it's a bit of a mystery. I've taken a few short kava breaks (4-6 days) and the aversion (or kava anxiety) is a little lessened (maybe?) when I go to have that first shell. There's the idea that it could be all mental... I'm somewhat fine to get my shells down if I clean up immediately after pouring and sneak up on them quickly and silently from somewhere other than my kitchen without thinking a thing about it, but if I hang out at the countertop in front of a shell, it only gets more difficult the longer I stand there. Just thinking about the taste, smell, or preparation of kava makes me shudder. It could be tied to the amount of lactones built in the system, which is responsible for the shielding effect.

Building the forcefield may have been synonymous with getting over reverse tolerance.


Kava Lover
I suppose I could still be working on RT, but yesterday I didn't get any more koned than usual, just the forcefield effect began being apparent. at least 4 of the days this week I got equally koned and in one case much more koned (been drinking Nambawan!) so I didn't suspect reverse tolerance... It's interesting because before today I was compelled to drink more kava again each day because I honestly felt like shit... My normal anxiety with an added kind of unmotivated/hungover feeling of not wanting to do anything at all really. Maybe my mind was like "you're almost finished paying your dues, keep at it!" haha who knows, but I was getting a little worried I might've been caught into a cycle of feeling like I need kava to really function and feel motivated and comfortable, but today in addition to the forcefield I felt like my old self getting shit done and feeling fine:joyful:.