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Powdered Kava Review Boroguru


Deleted User01

Wow, that is very, very light colored. When I see light colors then it usually means the taste is going to me more mellow. I have noticed that the darker Kavas are less tasty.


Bula To Eternity
Hi Deleted User01, I am sorry if you misunderstood me but this is not a Boroguru, it is a kava plant from Vanuatu called Small Hand, I was able to get this batch from one of my friends regular suppliers, this is some real good stuff. I will be listing it soon and I will of course let you know when I do.
SMALL HAND (y):hungry::wacky:
Chris one thing that would help make the Kava reviews better, is if you could "pretend" to add a Kava Review for one of your products. When you do, you will see a list of valid products that we are aware of. If you let us know when you have products that are not on that list, I will personally be happy to add them for you, to keep the list current and up to date.


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
OHHHHH NO NO NO NO NO, Chris i'm mia for a couple days and sneakily as a fox you pull this "small hand tchat" :eek::rolleyes:or w/e out of the box, make those claims slap me in the face, start slinging kava at java like no tommora!:arghh::mad::facepalm::bored::banghead:

And my Boroguru has yet to even land on terra firma...you.....you....VARMIT!
So many kavas my head is :dead: but yet I MUST HAVE IT, if only a small handed sample...ya know...could crash through the roof of my house and land unto my lap.;):hungry:
This is all in jest of course Chris, I kid, I kid. That strain sounds particularly interesting and I'm having trouble waiting to get my hands on it:nailbiting: (being that my kava stash is stricken famished at the moment:cry:).

Though the same amount of excitement is held for what will be my first ever Ghk kava:eek:, what a shocker :wideyed:!

Hahaha, I'm drowning in your consistent flow of gourmet kavas (or should that be "in drought":p) drowning....:D(y)

Oh and I'd meant this to be for Headhodge *and* you (the morse code thread, this was even going to have an old western quiz:woot: but it's to much trouble to translate it all to morse code) but he's not in this thread atm so here's my consolation to your slithering tactics; I hope you like it and laugh your sides out:smuggrin:;):D:ROFLMAO:.
All I have left to say is I'll tell you what fer!:D
Edit-Perfect timing Headhodge:smuggrin::D, I'm about to upload a file that was originally meant for both you and Chris but you hadn't arrived to the thread yet.:D


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The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Just cracked open a new (Or possibly old, I've lost track of my ability to remember which came when) bag of boroguru, and found the resulting brew a marked few shades darker than the light color you see in my cup there. It was also stronger in effect than I was used to. I had trouble figuring out the sink, and how my toothbrush worked. Looks like I will be decreasing the amount by 10 grams tonight to see if that "lightens up" my evening.

Steve T

Kava Enthusiast
Yeah it is very strong. If I add 3tbsp borogoru to my batch then it's game over. I combine it with 5 tbsp of heady kava. I sleep well (very rare lately) and there are no hangovers. The sediment separates nicely with the medium grind.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Opened a new bag, and it seems that the darker color and stronger effects are only in that bag I mentioned above. I'll just go easy on it.