verticity I'm interested in things Sep 6, 2015 #21 Bad link, if you refresh your page you should be able to see it now
Zac Imiola (Herbalist) Kava Connoisseur Sep 6, 2015 #22 Oh hahahha I'll tell you. You get 5 name changes... dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn
verticity I'm interested in things Sep 6, 2015 #23 Oh, that's an interesting twist. People better make sure to keep track of those so they don't get stuck as SirButtFaceTheAnnoyer or something
Oh, that's an interesting twist. People better make sure to keep track of those so they don't get stuck as SirButtFaceTheAnnoyer or something
kavadude ❦ॐ tanuki tamer Sep 6, 2015 #25 You get six name changes but instead of one of them you just get banned forever, good luck.
Zac Imiola (Herbalist) Kava Connoisseur Sep 6, 2015 #26 Haha namechangeroullete.... that's a doosy. I was safe on the first one thank Jesusa Christa
verticity I'm interested in things Sep 6, 2015 #27 Name change Roullette ~ Don't take my name from me ~
E EQ Atman Feb 11, 2016 #28 Can't tell if this is still a thing. I can't find it. Am I blind? I swear I've seen it
The Kap'n The Groggy Kaptain (40g) KavaForums Founder Mar 3, 2016 #29 EQ said: Can't tell if this is still a thing. I can't find it. Am I blind? I swear I've seen it Click to expand... It's a thing again Click your screenname at the top of the forum, click "Personal Details" then on the left 2nd from the bottom it will say "Change screen name".
EQ said: Can't tell if this is still a thing. I can't find it. Am I blind? I swear I've seen it Click to expand... It's a thing again Click your screenname at the top of the forum, click "Personal Details" then on the left 2nd from the bottom it will say "Change screen name".