Title more or less says it all. Since Kava is a weak MAO-B inhibitor, could consuming a large amount of it hypothetically allow N,N-DMT to be orally active for some period of time, or is it just not a strong enough MAOI?
I understand that the stuff that they brew Ayahuasca with is a much stronger MAO-A inhibitor, so I'm pretty sure I could be totally wrong here - then again, I've also read that MAO-A and MAO-B both break down Tryptamines equally, so maybe which subset of MAOI we're dealing with isn't totally vital? Googling this didn't bring about any satisfactory results, but if any are out there that I missed, point me to them so I can run to them in shame.
I understand that the stuff that they brew Ayahuasca with is a much stronger MAO-A inhibitor, so I'm pretty sure I could be totally wrong here - then again, I've also read that MAO-A and MAO-B both break down Tryptamines equally, so maybe which subset of MAOI we're dealing with isn't totally vital? Googling this didn't bring about any satisfactory results, but if any are out there that I missed, point me to them so I can run to them in shame.