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Daytime Kava?



Hey All! Does anyone know of a good daytime kava to help with anxiety... something mild that just levels you back to a calm state, but doesn't make you feel intoxicated in any way? And one that lasts for 4-5 hours if possible? Thanks guys!


1 kava 2 kava 3 kava COUCH
Maybe try an instant kava ,always seems to perk me up and mellow me out at the same time


Kava Enthusiast
I'm using Kava for the exact same reasons as you OP, in my limited experience thus far Borogu has worked quite nicely as a daytime kava to reduce anxiety. It might not be as effective as Xanax lol, but it does work and is much healthier.


Melo Melo or Nambawan are my two "go-to" daytime kavas from reducing anxiety without excessive sedation. That being said, even with a heavy kava like Boroguru, in moderation, I've found I can still function nicely so the amount also plays a role.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
A lot of customers have had great luck with the Kava Candy.
Our goal was to actually create something good for a "day-time" use. Not too strong, but also not too weak so that you can actually feel it :)