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Kava Enthusiast
So it's quite obvious from all the talk on here that the majority of us like drugs, some like me have some favorites. What drug is that one for you? What drug do you find it's effects to be "it" , for some it may be buzzing off alcohol (not my thing), others seem to like K@.
I love kava, it's up there, but for me the drug that has my heart is good old MJ. Such a misunderstood plant, so helpful for those who use it wisely. It has many many medicinal properties, anxiety, depression, pain, nausea, neurodegeneration etc..
I see K@ is a big hit here and alcohol, neither I find particularly amazing.


Kava Enthusiast
Basically I'm on probation for some crappy felony drug charges and I'm not even allowed to have a beer. Basically kava and phenibut are the only options that I can bother with as they are both supplements and have no bad rep with the government. I highly recommend people stay the hell away from phenibut as it is highly addictive, I have been using it only for sleep for about a year and have realized that it's basically impossible and dangerous to stop taking. Kava's way safer and much more wholesome and fun, it'll basically be the primary reason I make it through probation. I'm hoping my probation gets terminated early in january and if not then I'm stuck untill next november. Then I have every intention of getting some MJ, but steering clear of the harder shit as no good comes of that.


Kava Enthusiast
you can get off phenibut, Read up on the ashton manuel, it;s for benzos but the taper strategy will work for phenibut.
Phenibut is a nasty ol bitch, not benzo bad, but a nasty bitch none the less.


Kava Enthusiast
I've been through benzo before and always felt the WDs were over hyped, it's really uncomfortable and the migranes are awfull it passes quickly enough. There is a seizure danger, but in terms of hellacious WDs I scale hard core opiates as the worst. From what I read due to the ridiculously long half life of phenibut the WDs persist for around 10 days, which blows. I'll look into the taper stuff. I only use it for sleep and it's not causing any personal problems for me, I just know I went and got hooked on it.


Kava Curious
I like MJ and natural psychedelics. I hope to get some of Siberian motherwort going this season. I have 10 seedlings going right now. I had a pretty powerful experience with it once, I guess you could consider it a drug. For those of you interested, the Leonotis nepetifolia plant I got was not much compared to the motherwort. It was impotent and the effects were different. There's also one study showing alcohol extracts of Leonotis leonurus (^very similar) causes chronic organ damage.

Calling raw matter a "drug" just seems wrong to me. I'd call something a drug if its significantly pure, or is an intoxicating extract like hashish.


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
Based solely on effects, there is not, at least in my opinion, a feeling as incredible as IV'd heroin and coke. These days, K@ and kava are what I use to have some responsible recreation. The former proves too physically and emotionally detrimental when used frequently--which almost always becomes the case--as opposed to the latter, which is easily manageable. If only opiates weren't socially and personally damaging, people would be so much more agreeable....


Kava Enthusiast
I did Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds before. That was a strange trip. I thought I got crappy ones off the net so I took a nap. Woke up 3hours lately no idea what was going on. I spent the rest of the day trying to watch T.V. because standing up made me sick. I kept forgetting what I was watching on T.V. The endless ads made me think watching T.V. is pointless because there's always ads. Ads ruin the whole experience and never stop.

Morphine pills and assorted pharms. Zannies totally killed my anxiety. Made me wanna talk to people but they don't last long and tolerance builds way too fast. Besides the zannies the other stuff was a once in a while thing.

MJ is by far the best and safest. It seems like there are a lot of bills there's year to make it more medical/decriminalize maybe one day...

Besides kava I haven't done anything else in a while.

The only addiction that has truly stuck with me is caffeine -.- Headaches last for longer than a day and I feel sick the whole time. When I wake up it's like I'm going to die. Then I always go back.


Kava Lover
For me it's alcohol, I love the confidence it gives me and how it makes my thoughts flow so nicely through my pen. I love mj as well but I still think a nice bottle of rum beats mj, but that's just my opinion. Me and kava have a great relationship however, it's almost like a connection that I can't explain, everything about kava I fell in love with.


Kava Enthusiast
Alcohol would be my only other drug. Haven't had more than one experience with anything else, and I didn't enjoy it so why bother.

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
I like so many but they do not like me. Kava does not make me feel like more.  I take it almost every day,but it is more to deal with my stress without freaking out.  I solve problems on kava and the problems are still solved the next day.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm one of those unfortunate ones with an addictive personality so I have enjoyed in the past all of the above but now only smoke a bit of MJ and kava.  Before I found kava I smoked every single day.  I don't now and am glad for that since it does tend to make me fuzzy for lack of a better term.


Kava Curious
i've got an addictive personality as well, but since i've discovered Kava, i don't crave anything else. Normally when drinking booze, there would come a point (around 4-5 drinks in) when i'd need to elavate it to the next level (ie. blow).
Now i don't really care for booze (as long as i have Kava though).....so my wife says i'm just substituting one for the other-maybe she's right.(smiley: frown)


Kava Enthusiast
Trust me-booze and blow will get you in a hell of a lot more trouble than kava.  Recognizing you have an addictive personality and realistically dealing with it in the least detrimental way to you and society is a great thing.  Substituting-yes but a much, much more positive substitution.


Kava Lover
Everybody has their vice, so it's not substituting in my mind. Some people replace junk food with watching tv. Yes yes I know, usually those people are lazy fucks, but beside that, there just switching one vice for the other. And kava is a far better vice.


I like opiates the best... Dissociative too.. Amanita Muscaria mushrooms have an interesting dissociative effect at mid doses, there are others too. lol. I keep things legal since I have a good job, you know, but I do enjoy marijuana as well. Wish it was legal. I wish that instead of prohibition we could get into the mentality of education and harm reduction.


haha, yeah, back in High School. Went to a concert down by the river, I remember seeing snakes slithering through the sky/clouds and feeling as if my body was full of helium. Like I was going to float away at any second, all light. Crazy stuff.


Kava Lover
Man that is some crazy stuff. I thought "hey this will be fun, get back to my native American roots." bad trip lol, I never thought it was going to end. I actually questioned reality for around a month afterwards haha


Kava Curious
LSD. Unequivocally, positively. I don't really indulge anymore since I have two young daughters. About once every two years or so. I was an alkie for years, until I discovered K@ about six months ago. Since then, I've drinken about four times. Love kava as well, but K@ is much more useful as I can still be productive on it. If anything, my work output has increased since I met K@. Not too many substances produce that effect.