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Different Kavalactones and Their Effects

Hey guys! I am wondering what are the different kavalactones and their effects. Y'all throw around many different names (DHM, DHK, Kavain, etc.) What are the kavalactones and their effects? Thanks!


Kava Enthusiast
What I've always read is high DHM more of a body feeling, more sleepy, heavy.

High Kavain is more heady, awake feeling.

Never really heard much about the other ones.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Thats pretty much it I think. Unfortunately it's very speculative and opinion of effects differs from person to person. When looking at a particular kava, you'll want to find out what its chemotype is (most retailers make these available, there's also a big list in The Pacific Elixir I believe) which will tell you the relative content of kavalactones (e.g. this kava has more kavain than anything else, followed by dhm followed by so on). From there you can maybe get an idea of how these kavalactones effect you.
Edukator said:
Hey guys! I am wondering what are the different kavalactones and their effects. Y'all throw around many different names (DHM, DHK, Kavain, etc.) What are the kavalactones and their effects? Thanks!

Maybe it's me but I've never noticed any real diff except the diff in powdered to fresh. I've been drinking it fairly solidly for 15 years.

I've drank powdered Fiji & fresh & powdered from all vanuatu islands including chewed from tanna. It's either just strong or weak to me.