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Discount update

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
We ended the 15% discount on Vanuatu kava, but now would be a good time to stock up on the best instant out there. For a short time, get $5 off of 100 grams of Vanuatu Instant Green Kava with the coupon code MELIKEM. We get nothing but good reviews for our instant. It is potent and pleasurable, and now pretty cheap too. Enjoy!


Kava Enthusiast
Hey guys, how would you compare this instant to n@h instant?

Has anyone tried both? N@h instant is decent but I don't like the flavor that much.


Kava Enthusiast
I've tried fire island instant but not shaman. It blew fire island out of the water. The taste is very pleasant and is quite potent. I liked best for adding to an already prepared batch of kava and making it much stronger. It seems to be a high kavain/low DHM type of kava, or at least thats the feeling I got.