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Do you have the patience for kneading? I don't.


Kava Enthusiast
I use at least some milk usually, but may add water too - lechithin, vanilla extract, honey or sugar. Depending on the amounts of each use I can usually get it quite palatable. If your straining I would add everything but the lecithin after you get your final product. I often just blend it all together though and drink it. Works for some kavas better than others though.
hm, just another noob theory:

i'm kneading half an hour or so on and off - can't stand kneading the whole time, and it's always such a mess - with little water, squeeze it out (using socks i bought for this), set aside, add another bit of water to the "sock bowl" and repeat. one can see how the mix gets clearer and clearer when using a glass vessel ...

but still i feel i waste more or less, especially with my only powder at the moment, KBR Tongan.

Been thinking the acids in fruit juice may help getting the goods out, not sure, but it feels right and works definitely not less good than water, milk, and so on - and the taste is much better imo, also i feel the sugar may help with the uptake - all of course purely subjective :)


Kava Curious
Which fruit juices have you tried? I've been thinking about this for awhile, but I just haven't settled down and tried it yet. What's your favorite?


Kava Curious
Hi Y'all! 
Well i'm a Kneader! No blending here.  I stick strictly with the old-school method of squeezing and squeezing the hell out of it, then letting her soak for a while. LOL. =D lol. It's a good workout & the only way to go in my opinion! I guess it all comes down to mechanically separating the oil & resins from the fibre. I use the very effective and efficient very warm-to-hot water extraction method exclusively and rarely ever add any flavouring at all. Citric fruit & chocolate chasers.

The stuff tastes like sh*t, but makes you feel like Gold! LOL. =D
As a cancer survivour, i've have used kava on-and-off over the past few years to successfully ween myself completely off the craving for cancer narco pain meds & alcohol. It's not uncommon for cancer patients to become addicted to their meds. So it wouldn't be an understatement to say that Kava has been GodSend, I kid you not. :) PNG & Hawai'ian 'Awa is the best hands down! I'm very partial to the wild, piney & spicey types myelf-- Naka's Chief's Jungle PNG, Solomon (whicamanii variant) Hawai'ian Isa, Hiwa &  Mahakea426 are my favorites!

Now go get Krunked! ;)
-Jim from Nashville.


Hey, comfortablynumb! Good to see you back here man!

That's an awesome story about kava helping you with your opiate cravings, kava never ceases to impress me!


Kava Curious
Thanks for those nice comments, Kavalover. Very much appreciated. :) Oh, and glad to be back too! LOL :D

Well, I really love reading all the comments and getting to chat with fellow Kavasseurs! :D You're all such a kind and considerate souls - the Best! You know, it can get lonely out here so it is good to connect with other people - the interplay, the exchange and whatnot.

But if I may digress here for a moment...  

I do believe there are two types of people in this world, the Givers & Takers. I'm a Giver. Because if you don't give, you will never receive. The two go together. I've learned to learn accept whatever life has given, or whatever life has taken away from me. Wherever one hand meets another helpfully, that's the only holy church or brotherhood that ever was or ever shall be! Not what is your creed, but what is your need...I guess that's my basic religion and philosophy of life. :) The greatest gift in the world is Friendship. To me Friendship just about sums it all up. 

Peace and One Heart.

Later, Jim.