Thanks for those nice comments, Kavalover. Very much appreciated.

Oh, and glad to be back too! LOL
Well, I really love reading all the comments and getting to chat with fellow Kavasseurs!

You're all such a kind and considerate souls - the Best! You know, it can get lonely out here so it is good to connect with other people - the interplay, the exchange and whatnot.
But if I may digress here for a moment...
I do believe there are two types of people in this world, the Givers & Takers. I'm a Giver. Because if you don't give, you will never receive. The two go together. I've learned to learn accept whatever life has given, or whatever life has taken away from me. Wherever one hand meets another helpfully, that's the only holy church or brotherhood that ever was or ever shall be! Not what is your creed, but what is your need...I guess that's my basic religion and philosophy of life.

The greatest gift in the world is Friendship. To me Friendship just about sums it all up.
Peace and One Heart.
Later, Jim.