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Kava Preparation Do your own processing of roots.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I think any difference in the overall experience will be mental rather than noticeably different in an effects way. Most people who do trad prep mention that in part they do it because it's part of their ritual and they find it relaxing. From a different angle though maybe kava roots bought whole and freshly ground could be more potent. Think coffee or peppercorns.


Kava Enthusiast
I brought a few kilos of dry lateral roots from Vanuatu, and it is very hard to grind them to the correct fineness without proper equipment. The commercial sellers have heavy equipment like a hammer mill, which are expensive. The best I could do was chop then crush the dry roots in a heavy mortar (150mm PVC pipe set in concrete, with a 1.5" solid steel bar as a pestle), and after a great deal of effort, the end result wasn't as good as using quality ready-ground kava.


Hayward, CA
Kava Vendor
After reading the reviews on kava made from sun dried roots.

My question is ;

Will your kava experience be better it you process the roots your self, instead of buying it grinded?
Your kava experience will always be better if you process the roots yourself in the proper way