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Drinking Kava and Driving in Australia

Bashed Crab

Kava Vendor
Australian Importer
Hey Folks - Cam here from Australia Kava Shop. We did a little video on drinking kava and driving in Australia. You can see the video below. What was really interesting to note was when we did the pre production on it., One of the top results was an online directive from the NSW Police to its members. You can check it out below:

Now what I didn't know was that you can get pinged for driving under the influence of anything. So not just a drug or alcohol. Like seriously you could have eaten the Chinese buffet into bankruptcy, be to full to turn the wheel and if you crash and admitted that to the police you be done for driving under the influence (of an over indulgence of sweet and sour pork!) Same applys to kava... so whatever you do don't be telling any NSW police or potentially other states coppers that you had been drinking kava prior to any incident!
