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Dry sifting kava (poor man's micronized)


Kava Enthusiast
Hey guys, it's been a long time. I'll add pictures later on. Posted about this YEARS ago, but have since had a lot of time to experiment and compare, and my favorite, and imo the easiest and fastest way to brew my kava is... With a "bubble bag". The bags are very inexpensive, and easy to use! I take whatever I would normally use in a session (though I find ypu can get away with less than usual), dump it into said bag (my favorite being 120 or 90 micron), and shake away over a couple pieces of paper for easy collecting. About 6 tbsp winds up being around 2 tbsp of "micronized" kava. Then you just mix it into the amount of water you'd normally use for that amount of kava and VOILA! The fastest brew you've ever made. You can even use the leftovers and make a less potent mix with the traditional kneading method (although I kind of just save them for when supplies are out, or knead them and add the collected "micronized" kava). All the strength of micronized, but seems more cost effective to me. I stick to noble only, and don't try to squeeze every last bit of powder out, lest the makas make it through. Anyways, give it a shot!

*Edit* Actually if you pack your normal serving size with the leftovers and soak and knead like usual the resulting grog is comparably strong to something like a med grind brew. Really though, if you try this, I HIGHLY recommend brewing the leftovers from sifting and THEN adding your "micronized". I REALLY feel it's about as strong as you can get out of your kava. It doesn't seem to upset my stomach more than just micro bought elsewhere, either because of the size of the powdered material.
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Kava Enthusiast
Sorry. I should also add that the results will obviously depend on the grind you have. I have yet to try it with anything that isn't pretty finely ground. I still think it's the best bang for your buck adding the sifted kava to the grog made with the "leftovers". Probably because a lot of that (and liquid) would otherwise remain trapped in the used kava until the second wash?