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Extra chunky pieces in recent bag.


Kava Curious
Thoughts on this for a recent bag of kava I brought in New Zealand? we also found one even larger full root piece that was about 3mm wide and and about 18mm long and we chewed it to see what it tasted like (the answer like kava but made your tongue go way number). looking at the rest of the bag (repackaged from larger bag) it just seems to be a weird pocket in the middle.

I have seen now across quite few brands long strands or small flakes with "traditional grind"... but nothing this chunky or big...

This particular kava very spicy and astringent. Has subtle sweet smell over tone with very strong woody perfume vibes. It's after taste is sort of gingery/celery vibe. It's Fiji in origin (Vanualevu). Update, Seems the store brought has wonderful 1kg bag of kava, but the repack smaller ones are from different brand, now have quite a reason to go back and buy the 1kg.

Not stating brand for sake of respect just in case it one weird bag. I did freeze the pieces though.

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Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
It used to be normal for most dry/powdered bags of kava to have chunks that size in it. Especially if it was pounded by hand or maybe an older kava pounding machine. Over the years, most kava has become more finely powdered...probably because of the demand for a stronger product. And since un-powdered chunks are just wasted product(kavalactones) that would get caught in the strainer, they started powdering the tougher chunks down too, to make the kava stronger and not waste potential potency...and potential return customers.



Kava Curious
It used to be normal for most dry/powdered bags of kava to have chunks that size in it. Especially if it was pounded by hand or maybe an older kava pounding machine. Over the years, most kava has become more finely powdered...probably because of the demand for a stronger product. And since un-powdered chunks are just wasted product(kavalactones) that would get caught in the strainer, they started powdering the tougher chunks down too, to make the kava stronger and not waste potential potency...and potential return customers.

That is thoroughly fascinating, thank you.

Think with this one I might use it as a second wash but chuck it in the blender before the second wash. Good one to throw in the freezer for later use.