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Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Woke up this morning to a glimmer of hope. Could be in stock as soon as mid nov.
Nothing set in stone yet. Just trying to offer as much money as they want at this point, lol!
Fingers crossed.


Kava Enthusiast
cactidrum said:
nice !!!

your last batch was just amazing ! hope the next one will be as great !
true. I remember writing the review and being nice modest kava, then I ate something and I could barely see straight and my head was vibrating. It had the most heady effects of any kava I have ever had, period.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
NDG, I had similar experience and fell in love with it.

cactidrun, It's either the same quality or nothing at all.

The problem is always rejecting 99 out of 100 kavas suppliers try and give us in Fiji.

We know exactly what we like and the bar is set.

Last time we waited over a year, this time, we're almost done with this deal.

Fingers still crossed~