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First time user


Previously BoomSp
My first time ever order of kava is set to arrive tomorrow. Ordered micronized sample pack from GHK. Very excited.. My dilemma is this, I work the grave yard shift at a physically demanding job and do not want to be completely groggy during work. Which would you recommend first or for during work?


Patently irritable
I tend to be cautious, so I'd recommend waiting til you're off work to test it out. I'm sure others here have more experience than I, as I'm fairly new to kava. At work, I have enjoyed the kava candies and the KavaBoy chai.

Edit to add - welcome to the forums :)


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
i recommend nothing physically demanding while drinking kava. it's best saved for the end of your shift to relax with. opposing kava's relaxation ruins the effect...and in extreme cases could tax your kidneys.
the one best suited for alertness, i suppose, would be Mo'i. But i'd personally start drinking Mahakea in the last hour of work, so you're feelin nice and good when you get off....and then double up when you get home for some deep chillin' and good sleep.
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Kava Curious
Welcome. I'm about to place my first order as well. I have found myself going through the reviews section here with a fine tooth comb, lol. The community here has been very helpful... grateful for this platform we all have here. Here's to finding our preferred strains. :)

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Yeah, I'd go with at the end of or after work to transition from work mode to bed mode more smoothly. My mid-day kava sessions are usually followed by a nap.


Previously BoomSp
Hm idk if ill be able to resist! My mail usually gets there 1030 am and i start work 1030 pm..giving me twelve hours.. I wanted to use it to help my social anxiety while at work. I also purchased bula kava green instant for this purpose.. Hopefully This is the beginning of a great odyssey..

Deleted User01

@BoomSp, I work at the computer all day. Yesterday at 9, I drank .5 tablespoon of GHK Micronized Honokane Iki 'cause I was uptight. After lunch, I felt a little bleached. The problem with Kava is that it's most happy when you are on the couch. In my case, I just started my regular regiment at 3pm and that picked me backup. Have you ever drank beer in the morning 'cause you were on vacation? How did you feel at 12PM? How did you feel after lunch? That's the way you will feel if you drink kava at the beginning of the work day.