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I Love Kava Friday Friday Thread: Freedom Friday!

Kava Kava R us

\Bula/ As another shell goes down!
Kava Vendor
I'll be honest with you guys, if I had Kani Kani like that, I'd go back do drinking booze on a daily basis. Luckily, I only drink Hawaiian and I have managed to keep the Kani Monster at arms length. I wonder if doing non-macas Micronized is the reason for no Kani Kani? Hmmmm, something to ponder when staring into my empty shell. :D
I know when I drink just micro & co2 pulled extracts I don't get the dermo... No monsters to tackle here!
Too much Med grind has set it off though so mostly I stick with what doesn't dry me out...

...On with your Friday!!!

Time to get some micro brew going with a few drops of extract!
Just because it's Friday. 15% off everything on the site today only! code - "friday15" www.kavakavarus.com

Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
The problem with today's gay marriage decision is this, and we should all be unhappy with it. The reason is the 10th amendment to the US Constitution:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Nowhere in the US Constitution is there any mention of heterosexual OR gay marriage. Up until this decision, it was a matter for the states to decide - except for federal income taxes where there is a marriage penalty - which is unconstitutional too.

So the problem is that today's decision just blew another hole in the 10th amendment - and - what makes the 10th amendment any more special from anything else in the Constitution? Nothing. If they can ignore the 10th amendment, they can ignore any other part of the constitution. Basically with each passing year our freedom and liberty are becoming eroded by decisions such as this. Remember, the Federal government was set up by the States, not the other way around. Without the passage of the Bill of Rights our US Constitution would never have been ratified. What happened today, by taking the marriage issue away from the states, actually represents a loss of freedom for us all - for without a founding document such as a Constitution - we become a nation of men, not laws - and when that happens tyranny won't be far behind. If you see this solely as a we vs them, left vs right, or morality vs immorality issue, then you've missed the point as to why the judicial branch of government exists in the first place and why today's ruling is bad for our republic.


I'm interested in things
The problem with today's gay marriage decision is this, and we should all be unhappy with it. The reason is the 10th amendment to the US Constitution:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Nowhere in the US Constitution is there any mention of heterosexual OR gay marriage. Up until this decision, it was a matter for the states to decide - except for federal income taxes where there is a marriage penalty - which is unconstitutional too.

So the problem is that today's decision just blew another hole in the 10th amendment - and - what makes the 10th amendment any more special from anything else in the Constitution? Nothing. If they can ignore the 10th amendment, they can ignore any other part of the constitution. Basically with each passing year our freedom and liberty are becoming eroded by decisions such as this. Remember, the Federal government was set up by the States, not the other way around. Without the passage of the Bill of Rights our US Constitution would never have been ratified. What happened today, by taking the marriage issue away from the states, actually represents a loss of freedom for us all - for without a founding document such as a Constitution - we become a nation of men, not laws - and when that happens tyranny won't be far behind. If you see this solely as a we vs them, left vs right, or morality vs immorality issue, then you've missed the point as to why the judicial branch of government exists in the first place and why today's ruling is bad for our republic.
Sorry but I must disagree. Check out the 9th Amendment:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
The Court just did what it does best (sometimes): protected the rights of minorities, which should not be up for vote.