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I Love Kava Friday Friday.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
There was a time when I thought I'd never buy Wakacon. Now it's my standard 'base' kava. It's equally as strong (or weak) as the majority of much more expensive kavas out there, it ships in one day, it's relatively cheap and it's effects profile is smooth with no extremes in either direction. It's great for mixing or stretching another stronger kava, whether it be heady or heavy.
I stopped buying when the price went too high but I still have plenty from when it was cheaper. Nothing wrong with it at all. Excellent mixer, esp. with Tikaram's Kava Tonga, makes a good all-purpose workmanlike grog. And yes, for krunkin it can give a perfectly acceptable krunk. Of "cheap Fijian wakas" it is possibly the best.


Kava Lover
It's my secret stash, used about .80 pounds of root today. Took a few swigs before putting it in the refrigerator and even just that gave me a nice little lift. Still gotta wait 5 or 6 hours before I crush it like a tanka.
Gotta age your plastik for that authentic taste!