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I Love Kava Friday Friday!


Kava Enthusiast
I'm still relatively new to Kava. Is friday the day everyone gets krunked? I've noticed posts about Kava Friday. Sounds like a good way to start off the weekend. Any guidelines to participate in the tradition. :pompus:


I'm still relatively new to Kava. Is friday the day everyone gets krunked? I've noticed posts about Kava Friday. Sounds like a good way to start off the weekend. Any guidelines to participate in the tradition. :pompus:
Yeah. Friday been my favorite day since pre-school.
Getting krunked on candy, and waking up to Saturday morning cartoons.
I have since upgraded from fun dip, to fun mud but the excitement has been about the same.

My smile is always noted when I bring the Kava bag out by observers.
Friday Smiles :D


Kava Enthusiast
I've been rationing until my order came in. Thank the Kava gods it arrived today. I now have a huge can of Boronguru micronized. So now I can get my krunk on without worrying about running out. I think I'm going to like Kava Friday!! Love the squirrel btw. :angelic

Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
Kapm who? Who's the guy in the cereal box that calls himself @Kapmcrunk? Some homeless guy probably. Oh well, let him have his fun. :rolleyes:

Hey homeless guy who lives in a van by the river, you have a good weekend too! :D
When I was in college back in the horse and buggy days we had an ex hippy living with his sister in a station wagon on campus. We all nicknamed him the cookie monster because he had wild bushy hair and a monstrous beard. He would show up to all the wine and cheese events in places on campus like Holmes Lounge. I didn't find out until later he was this brilliant ex-professor who didn't get tenure and decided to just hang out on campus for the rest of his life. Brilliant yes, but also obviously a little nutty too.

There is a story on them here:


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
interestingly enough, there was a grad student who did his last year in a van at my school. Then wrote an article about it, probably ruining it for the rest of the folks!


I'm interested in things
I'm still relatively new to Kava. Is friday the day everyone gets krunked? I've noticed posts about Kava Friday. Sounds like a good way to start off the weekend. Any guidelines to participate in the tradition. :pompus:
The "Friday Thread" is an ancient tradition started by Pacific Islanders thousands of years ago. Originally it involved actual thread. Participants would sit in a circle, drinking kava. One participant would embroider pictures of testicles on fabric, and the other people in the circle would have to guess what animal the testicles belonged to. The "Friday Thread" is almost completely unchanged to this day, except that electrons are used instead of thread.


Kava aficionado
The "Friday Thread" is an ancient tradition started by Pacific Islanders thousands of years ago. Originally it involved actual thread. Participants would sit in a circle, drinking kava. One participant would embroider pictures of testicles on fabric, and the other people in the circle would have to guess what animal the testicles belonged to. The "Friday Thread" is almost completely unchanged to this day, except that electrons are used instead of thread.
I wasn't going to chime in on this thread, because I didn't get my krunk on yesterday & I didn't feel like it. But your "Historical" description is so spot on, I couldn't help myself. (y)