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Powdered Kava Review Fu’u


Is there death before life?
Euphoric Rank: 5 - Hallelujah!
Sedative Rank: 2 - Very Weakly Sedating
Muscle Relaxing Rank: 1 - No Muscle Relaxing
Anxiolytic (Anti-Anxiety) Rank: 5 - Heavily anxiolytic (what anxiety?)

I've praised Fu'u before on may occasions, and here I am again.
Praising this fantastic high Kavain variety!

I use the blender the method then knead in a large measuring cup. "I need a Tonoa wicked bad"

This is and has always been on the top of my list.
Extremely high Kavain makes this a etremely heady variety, with the strong euphoria to shine throughout the night.
I would consider this a Daytime or nighttime Kava with a strong affinity for production levels to increase.
The taste is super mild and easy to drink.
I would start a noobie with this one any day.

Pop in some groovy music "Im jamming to Silversun Pickups as I type this"
and let the troubles melt.

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Kava Curious
I'm going to add this one on my shopping list for sure :hungry:
Endwatcher, what is the yellow around the edge of your prep? Is it foam ?


Is there death before life?
Thats what kava should look like when you are done.
You can see the oils also if you look closely.
Thats why I like the blender method, works much better.

You get even more when you use half water, and half Mineral sparkling water.
I will take a picture of what that looks like tonight


Kava Curious
Geez … I do have the oil but not the yellow clouds.
Must give the blender method + sparkling water a try .
Thank you for the review and coming pic :)


Is there death before life?

Heres what it looks like with the mineral water.
This is actually half potency, because Im feeling festive tonight and gonna mix it with some BKH Green :D