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Ginger tea.

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My girlfriend has been having trouble with nausea related to Kava drinking.
Well, I read alot about how Ginger candy is a great ally in this regard.
Last night, I brewed up a pot of strong ginger tea. I used the actual ginger tea as the liquid in the Aluball and the results were great. The taste was great and we are hoping it's going to help her more and more.


Kava Enthusiast
cannabis works well but you lose the mental clarity that's such a cool attribute of kava. For me anyway it sort of muddies things
up so I don't know which I'm feeling. Anything is better than going to nausea's end game yuck!
We have been using the Yogi Ginger and Lemon Ginger tea bags. I just brew it up in a tea kettle with the tea bags and pour that straight into the aluball halfway with the Kava. Shake as usual and then fill up the remaining aluball with the ginger tea. Mainly just replacing water with brewed Ginger tea.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
In the past I have chopped up fresh ginger and steeped it in hot water for a while. You get a gingery drink unlike anything you get from a tea bag or powder.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
You can make it however you like.
If it's poweder. just add on hot water stir strain and enjoy .
Fresh you boil in water for about 15 min on medium
strain and enjoy.
Dried root. just make the same as fresh but lower temp

Fresh is moisturizing and warming.
Making it the best option for kava drinkers.
Dried ginger is drying ... obviously
.. and is Hot rather than warming .
So more intense circulation benefits etc.. yet more drying to then mouth and body.
Both work for the neausa


Kava Curious
I love brewing whole dried chamomile flowers with some fresh ginger. The flavours really complement each other.
We tried out something this weekend with Ginger that was really good. Ordered some raw Ginger powder from znaturals. Put about a teaspoon of pure ginger powder in each ball before shaking. Wow. I have to admit. It was a nice shell of Kava. I don't mind the taste of the Kava. But, I think we finally found something for my significant other. I like the taste and am going to start doing it some also.

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