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Go go gadget kava.

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Kava Enthusiast
Ok boys going to the dentist for some fillings, lol a bit nervous so send me your energy. Got the Nene flowing, wish I want out of boroguru hahaha.

Deleted User01

I feel for you man. Everytime I go to the Dentist he says, "Hmm, that baby tooth is hanging on by a thread". :sneaky: And then I say, it has been doing that for a very, very long time and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. So there!:mad: Good luck and godspeed.


Kava Enthusiast
Good luck, hopefully they will use a local anesthetic on you !
They did that was honestly the hardest part because being numb is such a strange feeling, but all in all it went well! Thanks!

I feel for you man. Everytime I go to the Dentist he says, "Hmm, that baby tooth is hanging on by a thread". :sneaky: And then I say, it has been doing that for a very, very long time and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. So there!:mad: Good luck and godspeed.
Yeah Kava saved the day, i was gnawing on NeNe like it was skittles, sadly i have a lot more visits from trying to avoid the evil dentist for too long, but meh it's better to do something than living in fear of it. that's the kava talking.

Deleted User01

My wife, who is no stranger to dentists, reminded me that you have to have anesthetic because you run the risk of a. Biting off his hand b. Him drilling into to you. But I reminded her that many people get anxious when they go to the dentist and some take Kava for that. I think she was envious of you. :LOL:


Kava Enthusiast
My wife, who is no stranger to dentists, reminded me that you have to have anesthetic because you run the risk of a. Biting off his hand b. Him drilling into to you. But I reminded her that many people get anxious when they go to the dentist and some take Kava for that. I think she was envious of you. :LOL:
Eh she doesn't drink Kava? Blasphemy! the kava did help a lot, but honestly, it was just my ability to accept a crappy situation and deal with it.


Kava Curious
Hey Nickbroken,
Im sort of new here as well as new to kava. This thread interests me, in that if i understand correctly, out of your anxiety for dentist visits ( definitely feel you on that one ) you drank some kava directly before your appointment?
I recently ( about a month ago ) got a tooth extracted and that was the point in time that i got interested in kava. I decided to go through my antibiotic meds completely before trying kava to avoid any interactions or variables if i responded adversely to kava.
While i realize antibiotics and local anesthetics are different, my personal mind set is an exaggerated aversion of mixing meds and whatnot. Anytime i get a prescription i google it for about an hour to find out everything about it and what things i shouldn't mix it with.
Anyhow, that's just me. And me being me, i was thinking that i wouldn't want to drink kava in the days before my next dentist appointments where ill be getting a few fillings because i knew they'd give me a local shot or two. But it seems you drank kava within hours of this. While i still personally will prob just lay off the kava around that time, your personal experience makes me feel better and adds to my growing 'knowledge based on others experiences ' lol
Thanks for making this thread and sharing


Kava Enthusiast
Hey Nickbroken,
Im sort of new here as well as new to kava. This thread interests me, in that if i understand correctly, out of your anxiety for dentist visits ( definitely feel you on that one ) you drank some kava directly before your appointment?
I recently ( about a month ago ) got a tooth extracted and that was the point in time that i got interested in kava. I decided to go through my antibiotic meds completely before trying kava to avoid any interactions or variables if i responded adversely to kava.
While i realize antibiotics and local anesthetics are different, my personal mind set is an exaggerated aversion of mixing meds and whatnot. Anytime i get a prescription i google it for about an hour to find out everything about it and what things i shouldn't mix it with.
Anyhow, that's just me. And me being me, i was thinking that i wouldn't want to drink kava in the days before my next dentist appointments where ill be getting a few fillings because i knew they'd give me a local shot or two. But it seems you drank kava within hours of this. While i still personally will prob just lay off the kava around that time, your personal experience makes me feel better and adds to my growing 'knowledge based on others experiences ' lol
Thanks for making this thread and sharing
I'm glad that you liked it and I fully believe that if you are anxious about going to the evil dentist you should take some kava. I also worry about interactions, but never had any issues with the local they have me and kava. Honestly it's very common for them to give you a vallum or laughing gas if have anxiety and that' doesn't cause issues with the local, so kava surely shouldn't.
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