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Guy with high tolerance looking for the strongest possible kava


Kava Enthusiast
Just signed up for this website. I have tried many kavas on Amazon, (Wakacon, Lami, Kalm, and Eternally Herbal) and have only had effects I am happy with Kalm micronized kava. I have a very high tolerance, so in order to get a nice effect, I use 16 teaspoons at a time, which is 4 times the recommended dose. I get nauseous pretty easily from this as well as all of the other Kava powders I have tried. I am looking for the strongest possible Kava out there so I can ingest as little as possible without experiencing nausea. Could anyone offer any suggestions? Doesn't have to be from Amazon. I read good things about "Gourmet Hawaiian Kava," but the strongest strains have been out of the stock, and I haven't gotten a response to questions I emailed a few weeks ago. Thanks in advance.
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Kava Enthusiast
I have tried Wakacon, Lami, Kalm, and Eternally Herbal. I just checked out the Stone kind from Nakamal. This is what it says about it:"Drinking kava made from only roots tends to make people feel like they are made out of stone. Enjoy."
Sounds pretty effective. Thank you.


Kava Lover
I second that. Stone is a smack you in the face strong kava. Not always in a pleasant way.

Another good choice would be the BKH 11 year. That's a highly concentrated bunch of kavalactone whoop ass.

On the GHK front, I'd say the Honokane Iki is nice and strong.

One quick question. When you take your kava, is your stomach good and empty? Are you seated in a quiet area with little sound or light? Do you have the time to focus solely on the kava?

The three "S's" are important in Kava. Stomach, setting and p-sychology!


Kava Enthusiast
I usually wait about 5-6 hours after eating but have not tried to sit in a quiet area with little sound or light. Have you noticed that by doing this that the Kava effects stand out more, that you are less distracted by other things?


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks for the other suggestions. On the Nakamal at home website, it states this about another kava they have called "Wow." Has anyone tried the "Wow" kind?

After many trips to the Republic of Vanuatu we have found a kava that is so potent it is unmatched by anything that we have ever seen. We call it WOW! kava because that is what one of our employees named it after she drank a few shells and fell asleep on the bar.

This is connoisseur grade kava. We only recommend this kava to expert users who feel confident of their kava making skills. This is not a marketing ploy. If you have no experience with kava do not order this variety!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Wow is good. I've tossed and washed my fair share of Wow! (about a decade ago), but for the money and the power....stone. It's what I call the "diesel" of kavas, because it gets the job done.


Kava Lover
I usually wait about 5-6 hours after eating but have not tried to sit in a quiet area with little sound or light. Have you noticed that by doing this that the Kava effects stand out more, that you are less distracted by other things?
Absolutely. I could indulge in copious amounts of kava and then hop in the water with a fishing net and notice nothing more than a little grogginess.

They call it listening to the kava. You get the most by sitting still and feeling the feelies if you will. It can turn a crap kava session into a spiritual experience. Setting is a must.


Kava Enthusiast
Good to know Jerome, I will turn down the lights and some Pink Floyd tonight. :)

And KapmCrunk, you sold me on the Stone. Ordering some right now.

Thanks a lot!


Kava Enthusiast
By the way, I am looking for the strongest "heady effect." Can you confirm that Stone is still the way to go?


Kava Enthusiast
Glad to hear. Just used the coupon code from this website and saved 25%. A pound is on its way. Thanks again.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Glad to hear. Just used the coupon code from this website and saved 25%. A pound is on its way. Thanks again.
You're welcome. A little tip, if it feels like you're kneading a handful of clay (as in, it's extremely slippery) you'll be in for an extra treat. Every time I received a batch that felt like that when prepping....it literally knocked me to the floor. It was something that happened pretty rarely, but it can happen :)



Kava Enthusiast
Crossing my fingers for clay consistency. When I use conventional powder, I have to use a full cup at a time, so hopefully with this stuff I can save some money and liver cells. :)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Crossing my fingers for clay consistency. When I use conventional powder, I have to use a full cup at a time, so hopefully with this stuff I can save some money and liver cells. :)
With stone, your liver will stay smiling the whole time. I used around 40-55 grams which is about 1/2 a cup or so and.....it instilled a new reverence for kava in me from the beginning. Really forced me to respect it.


Kava Enthusiast
Good to hear there is hope with the Stone. My hands started to get so dry that there was a small open sore, and my nose is starting to get all flaky, so I was planning on cutting back.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Good to hear there is hope with the Stone. My hands started to get so dry that there was a small open sore, and my nose is starting to get all flaky, so I was planning on cutting back.
Total transparency here.

Stone, or furthermore any kava type can make your hands dry and your nose flaky. It may not help with those symptoms, but then again...it may! What I'm saying is there is a drying effect that's characteristic of consuming kavalactones, no matter where they come from, if you get my drift.


Sit back, relax, listen to the kava. Once in a while it will sing to ya (that is ears ringing vision blurring). Fijian has been the best heady kava for me, but I am a light weight it don't take much to hit me. You are what's known as "hardheaded" you are in good company as many members here have it pretty bad. @sakahs (can't "@" him cause his name is jacked up and upside down! LoL)


Kava Enthusiast
Kapm Crunk, I was hoping that by using less quantity of Kava, there would be less skin side effects, but you said that the effects are from kavalactones, so if I use Stone, they might be more pronounced. I will keep an eye on my skin. Thanks.