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Hi there I try to drink of take Kava first time so please give me advice



i bought this 8oz( 220g) kava from Amazon for sedative mind and tapering off ambien.

But it is very hard to know how much do i take Kava for similar effects for my body

usually i take 8~12mg ambien per day . But someday I take almost 20mg because of anxiety and insomnia

but I think keep taking sleeping pills forever is not good in anyway so I try to taper off with other supplements and i found kava

So How much kava teaspoons would be appropriate for me? please Share you guys experiences and opinion

And how can i take this powder? or what is the most efficient way to extract kava ingredients


Kava aficionado
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i bought this 8oz( 220g) kava from Amazon for sedative mind and tapering off ambien.

But it is very hard to know how much do i take Kava for similar effects for my body

usually i take 8~12mg ambien per day . But someday I take almost 20mg because of anxiety and insomnia

but I think keep taking sleeping pills forever is not good in anyway so I try to taper off with other supplements and i found kava

So How much kava teaspoons would be appropriate for me? please Share you guys experiences and opinion

And how can i take this powder? or what is the most efficient way to extract kava ingredients
You need to spend sometime reading these forums. You have a lot of generalized questions that have been asked 100's of times. Start with the link on my signature. Kava is not a magic cure and won't help with your Ambien problem overnight or even at all. Kava is something different, read about it. By the way the kava you mentioned is garbage, look for vendors here, many of which sell on Amazon. Happy exploring!