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Powdered Kava Review Hiwa - Medium Grind


I got some GHK Hiwa in today and was happy I choose it.

I drank my bowl about 20-30 minutes ago.

I found this Kava to have a pleasant taste. I drank it rather easily.

My body feels quite warm - unzip - I actually just took my hoodie off, and usually Kava makes me freeze.
I feel like I am sitting beside a fire: the muscles relaxed, calm, and electric.

The heady effects I would say are a nice calm. I am not too stony, but I just don't want to move. These heavy effects are really enjoyable.
This is a great night time Kava for relaxed activity. I would not drink this Kava afternoon.
I feel a bit sedated and am thinking I will sleep easy with the Hiwa.

GHK (y)

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
The electric feeling and couch lock had me sitting on the toilet stuck when i first had this kava. i downed like 4 tbsp or something and chased with chai tea then went to the loo, it was very intense and illl never forget that experience. That electricity is so intense its spiritual lol
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Deleted User01

Nice review @EQ. I had a bag of Hiwa a few months back and it is a rather nice couch potatoe Kava. Now you got me Jonesing for more. :D