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Powdered Kava Review Hiwa


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Wow, this stuff is really great. Had me on my butt all night. I am not a lightweight but around 11 PM or so I just gave up and laid on the couch for a half hour. Managed to extract myself to bed and read for awhile before I dozed off.

Someone mentioned in another thread, and I forget who, but it's interesting that the kavalactone % does not seem to reflect the strength of the kava all that well. Could be difference from batch to batch, but I wonder if it's because we're extracting the same amount of kavalactones regardless of how much is in the root. Perhaps the kavalactone profile is more indicative of potency.

Anyway, this stuff is really good.
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Deleted User01

Kavadude, did you invent the rolling pin method? The Hiwa is the black Kava and it was reserved for the King and Queen. Commoners were not allowed to drink it unless it was prescribed for medicinal purposes. I'm finding that the darker the Kava, the more bitter it is. I was afraid to hit the Hiwa yesterday afternoon because I was losing concentration in the middle of the work day with just one spoon of Instant. But come Sunday, I'm going to give it a proper workout. Sunday will be Grog Making day.

P.S. Just between us girls, I will be reviewing some Papa Kea Instant Kava in about 1.5 hours and counting .... It is not as sedating so I should be ok.