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How safe is this? Wet sealed Kava stored at room temp


Kava Enthusiast
Today I found my strainer with some roots in it from my travels. I have been without Kava for a couple days and thought this may taste nice until the next Squanch arrives. I took the Kava out of the fridge/freezer five days ago. It must have been last Wednesday. Now it is Monday evening. The roots were sealed well in a plastic bag with the air pressed out. They were near the floor in my home so the storage temp would average 10*C but can rise above that.

I heated the roots in water and am squeezing them in fresh water. The water I strained tastes good, and I intend to drink it. I am not afraid of a little fermentation, however I do wish to be safe and know there are many risks involved and need to learn more, what are your thougts?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Today I found my strainer with some roots in it from my travels. I have been without Kava for a couple days and thought this may taste nice until the next Squanch arrives. I took the Kava out of the fridge/freezer five days ago. It must have been last Wednesday. Now it is Monday evening. The roots were sealed well in a plastic bag with the air pressed out. They were near the floor in my home so the storage temp would average 10*C but can rise above that.

I heated the roots in water and am squeezing them in fresh water. The water I strained tastes good, and I intend to drink it. I am not afraid of a little fermentation, however I do wish to be safe and know there are many risks involved and need to learn more, what are your thougts?
I would say 5 days is pushing it no matter what type or preparation of kava you have it in. I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier. It's probably best to wait until more kava came in the mail.


Kava Lover
I've used kava that's been left out for a day before but never go past that. I always keep my strainer in the freezer too.


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
Kava has a neutral ph and no significant antimicrobial properties, so a combo of high starch content+water+above freezing temp means a pretty rapid spoilage and bacterial growth. I wouldn't use wet kava stored at room temp even after 1 day of storage.

Think about it this way. If you had some wet bread or diced potatoes and you left them moist at room temp for a few days, would you consider them safe? In the case of the former, you would likely be even able to see mould with your own eyes.


Kava Enthusiast
Dude I do a lot of dirt bagging, i strain old bags of second wash that have been sitting for a week and drink improperly stored grog so much lol do you man