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How to change the style layout

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I've been doing some work on adding more style options. If you get bored of the current look of the forums you can individually select the type of look you want.

Here's How:

Go to the bottom left corner in the main forum page.

Click "Default Kava Forums Green" and it will bring up a box of different styles for you to try out.


If you want switch back click the link in the bottom left and click "default kava forums green" and you'll be back to the original theme.


Me like da kava
^Same, the original theme has the best format. Maybe a few more options allowing to change the background color would be cool, while leaving the actual format alone. White is good at times but other times it gets too straining on the eyes and can become a bit dull. That was one of the benefits to the old forum color, it was more relaxing to look at in my opinion.

An even better example would be the background of the Kavasseur's blog page. If there was a way to get actual background photos onto here, I'd be psyched. Every time I read one of Doug's reviews, the background image just brings me to a whole nother level--getting me in that mood and making me want to dive right into the kava right there and then.


If you have a Mac, you can always do the Control-Option-Command-8 to inverse the screen (white on black). That's what I do at night... Works well with this font/layout.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I'm working on it guys! I'll have you a slick style that's easy on the eyes you can change to here in a little bit. It'll be awesome. I refuse to allow otherwise.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
And DONE! tell me what you guys think. Use the same process as outlined above, but select "Dark Kava Forums Style"