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How to Discuss Medication Interactions Without Scaring People Off


It seems like every day I meet more people who are on all sorts of pharmaceuticals - anti-anxiety and anti-depressants being the most common. With so many people on meds, kava bars must get a ton of questions from new kava consumers regarding the potential for interactions.

Obviously it's not the place of a kavatender to recommend anything. And the actual safe, legal and responsible answer is "if you have any questions, consult your doctor."

But beyond the safe and blanket response, how does one answer the question "Will this interfere with any of my medications?" without scaring someone off of trying it and/or resorting to a bunch of alienating language that makes kava seem more dangerous than it is? Keeping in mind that a kava bar needs to stay on the right side of the law with the words they choose, too.