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Kava Enthusiast
how the fuck does anyone get hydrated after kava?!? seems no matter how much water I drink I cannot regain hydration until the next day. i've even countered it with coconut water and nothing!!?


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I need to drink water most of the day and be really well hydrated going into a session to come out the other side even vaguely hydrated.

Deleted User01

You have to hydrate during the day and before kava like @Edward suggests. Then you drink water after kava but you better not drink too much. Some kavas make me pee like a race horse during the night ... an old race horse with a enlarged prostate (pressing on the bladder all night). :rolleyes: Now I just gave you young guys something to look forward to. :LOL:


Kava Vendor
I wonder if it is just worse with this brutal summer. I cut way, way back on caffeine. But if I drink anything other than water, my pee looks like I am dehydrated. I only noticed it this summer too.


I find it rather hard to drink water after Kava this is why you should hydrate before.
Drink a litre 20 minutes before works well.

My water filter holds 8 Litres and I go through it every day. This is a mixture of Kavas, Teas, and water. Half for just water.

Point is to just drink water throughout the day, and forget trying after Kava.
How I do it.

Also eating watermelon after Kava.
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Kava Enthusiast
Dunno the hydration thing is strange to to me I have never had an issue with it, granted I drink around 2 gallons of water a day anyways. Why are people having issues staying hydrated after kava? Whenever I drank whiskey I'd piss all the time but I sure as hell drank water in-between and after and took sea salt.


Kava Enthusiast
I think it's the hot summer. My water game is strong I drink multiple 40oz clean canteens of water throughout the day. The second I down a shell my urine becomes radioactive, even if I slam lots of water after the session. Not until after breakfast the next day will I start thinning the color out of my urine.


Kava Enthusiast
Hmm does anyone know off hand what vitamins and if.kinersls are in kava? I know that b vitamins make your piss glow.
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