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Introduction and my Fu'u (and BKH in general) review

  • Thread starter TheInfamousLoner
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Hello, my name is Johnny. Thanks for having me around. I got introduced to Kava a few months back, when a buddy of mine took me to Mystic Water Kava Bar in Hollywood, FL. I had already drank 3 or 4 high-test beers before we decided to go (which I know now is a big no-no!) so the muddy water didn't have much of a noticeable effect on me, except for the numb mouth/belly, and it didn't take my beer buzz away. The bartender (kavatender?) told me that I may not feel anything at all, and after me and my buddy split 3-4 Tanoas, that was for the most part true. The atmosphere at this particular establishment was so alive and engrossing, I just knew there had to be more to this Kava stuff. As everyday life and a big move came along, the thought of Kava escaped my mind until (for some unknown reason) last week...

I did some online perusing, reading articles from blogs, watching youtube videos on both tradition and preparation, and even lurked this forum. I decided for my first whack at the magical krunk juice, I would order from BKH. Their reputation and price range satisfied my needs. I ordered the Fu'u ceremonial kit, and a 250g bag of Koniak (Sometimes I like to push things to the limit. I haven't tried Koniak yet, review coming soon!).

I placed my order Black Friday (Nov 29) and received it today (Dec 2). That is mind-boggling fast especially considering I'm on the other side of the country and shipped over the weekend. Everything was packed just fine, very nice labels on the Kava pouches, and the ceremonial kit even came in a nice burlap sack so I can bring this to a buddies house. The strainer bag has some wild, vivid patterns on it, and worked very good with the finely-ground Fu'u Kava. Overall, I am very pleased with the quality of the products I received, and the timely manner in which I received them. I honestly have no complaints, and will definitely do business with BKH again.

The Fu'u has a very fine grind, with a texture that reminds me of flour. I have a bit of a stuffy nose and almost no experience with other varietes, so all I can say is it smells like... Kava... lol.

My prep: I poured 4oz of root into a 1qt shaker bottle. I added another 4oz of whole milk and gave a vigorous shake for about 1 minute. I then added about 12oz of warm (slightly warmer than room temperature) water, and gave another vigorous shake for about 2 minutes. Finally, I filled my bottle to the 32oz mark, making the total mix 32oz before straining. Gave one more vigorous shake before putting it into the fridge for about 2 hours while I went and took a test for school (which I ACED :) )

I came back home, and got 2 bowls, my strainer bag, and a shell ready. Took the concoction out of the fridge and shook vigorously on and off for about 5 minutes. Poured through the strainer and began kneading, dipping the bag back into the bowl a few times. After about 5 minutes, I got my second bowl, poured the liquid Kava back into the bag, and began the process all over again for another 5 minutes. I didn't stop until I could clearly notice the oils floating on the top of the brew. I was a little worried that I couldn't see too much oil, but the anticipation was killing me.

I dug my first shell in and BULA! Once again I was a little worried, because the numbing effects were very slight. The Kava went down nice and smooth, and the taste was a grade or two above bearable (at least from the first batch I remember from the Kava Bar in FL) I assume this has to do with the strain I chose and also the milk I added. I decided to go for the second shell right away, which seemed stronger to me. This shell and all shells afterword gave me the numbness. Within an hour I had finished the bowl, which yielded 5 1/2 shells.

I started noticing the effects maybe 5 minutes after finishing the bowl. It's an hour and a half later, and I definitely feel the effects this time around. My brain feels like it just got back from the day spa. Also, I am able to concentrate on whatever it is I am doing. I decided to do all the dishes, take out the trash, register to this forum, and do this writeup without even really thinking about it. Its like once I decide to do something, it's as good as done. I don't notice any drowsiness or muscle weakness, but I do feel like hanging out with some friends or crank my music really loud (I'm a courteous neighbor during the week lol). Listening to some DJ Nu-Mark and just in a tranquil place. Glad I decided to give Kava the chance it deserves.



Almost an hour after my first post, two noticable new effects:
1. Slight (but definitely bearable) abdominal discomfort. Feels kind of like hangover guts, but milder.
2. My color perception seems to be altered or stronger. I stepped away from my laptop for 20 minutes or so, and when I came back, the colors were darker and had a red tint to them that I never noticed before.


Is there death before life?
I give Kava to a guy that works at the same place as me.
He is more "native" and I think I will quote him, to describe the "visual"
He says its like "everything is clearer" and "sharper"
Fu'u will do that to you fairly well also.

Did you get any euphoria from it?


I sure did. Although what I felt was mostly a physical sensation in my head, it also came with a giddy sense of well-being and a desire to absorb external stimuli. I could of plopped in my favorite chair and been content, but I decided to be productive instead. I read a chapter in my book with near 100% comprehension (it's a bone-dry study guide for a Microsoft exam, and my normal comprehension is probably around 75%) and listen to trip hop and turntablism. Both were enjoyable, and the sense of accomplishment from reading made it feel like reaching a goal instead of completing a chore.

I peaked at around 6PM (about 3 hours after my first shell) and as of this writing i still got a mellow buzz going on, so I think I will vegetate until bedtime. The funny stomach is still there but it only bothers me when I think about it. I'm just carefree, comfortable, and enjoying the little things.
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