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Is kava a blood thinner?


I like herbs
I've been getting bloody noses a lot lately, I never get blood noses. I think I read something about it being one but I wasn't sure. I mean it is winter and it's ridiculously dry and cold but even then I never encountered this in the past.


I like herbs
Also, unrelated but... I know kava can be hit or miss but micronized has been hitting every time lately. I pre-game with medium grind and then take micro. I felt the pre-game great, then took 13g micro (usually take 12g) which would normally hit me pretty hard, so I took 6 more grams. I think 2g in the ~20g of mostly vanuatu would total it up to 20 so this is really weird. i've never had this happen before where medium grind works and then micronized doesn't. Ever since I started this combo it's been heavenly. I'll see if that 6g makes a difference. I did eat a lot around 8pm but I drank the kava at 3am and now its 4am (I don't set my clocks back). So my stomach contents should've been well emptied. I mean the fact the medium grind hit me that well on only about 20g shows obviously it's not food related.

I did have heartburn and took famotidine. I know antacids can mess with VGCCs which kava technically is so maybe once the antacid peaked, the kava became less effective? I have no idea.


I like herbs
Oh, I think I get it.
It may have been 6-7 hours after eating but I ate a big pizza. Micronized kava is something more like food than strained kava, so it's likely why the strained kava hit me perfectly fine.