@chandra Not trying to add more worries to the mama stress you already have, but another consideration to be mindful of is that more often than not methylation and/or absorption issues tend to be part of the array of autistic symptoms. Little ones with health issues also usually have much higher toxic burdens and nutrient imbalances than children with no health issues.
Improper methylation can cause issues with processing supplements, meds, nutrients, food additives, and even food. Metabolizing kava uses the major detox pathways in the liver. Sometimes it is safer to err on the side of caution if we are going to medicate with plants and use gentle treatments that are neuroprotective, provide support to the immune system, and encourage gentle detoxing of the body's systems to decrease the overall burden of what the body is trying to deal with.
Lithium orotate and CBD oil (which has some definite interactions with certain meds) might be a couple things worth looking into if she is having a lot of neuropsych issues. Given her age best to check with a (naturopathic) doctor on the lithium orotate, not sure about giving to one so young. Neuropshych stuff is very frequently caused by some type of toxicity or methylation issue. The two things mentioned have been found helpful with a lot of the symptoms like rage, meltdowns, anxiety, sensory difficulties, etc., but the best thing is teasing out the intricacies of what is causing what and treating accordingly.
Not trying to tell you what to do, and no one knows your child better than you. All any of us want to share with you is what we feel is the safest advice given the information we have regarding the situation