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It's not a narcotic...

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
I mean, I've seen it referred to as "narcotic" or "a narcotic" from time to time. Even a TV segment I saw with two ni Vanuatu referred to it as one. And it's not, right? I mean, it doesn't fit the profile. And it's certainly nothing like the sorts of things that spring to everyone's mind when the word "narcotic" is used.



  1. a drug or other substance affecting mood or behavior and sold for nonmedical purposes, especially an illegal one.

  1. relating to or denoting narcotics or their effects or use.
    "the substance has a mild narcotic effect"
    synonyms:soporific, sleep-inducing, opiate;
    painkilling, pain-relieving, analgesic,anodyne, anesthetic, tranquilizing, sedative;
    "a narcotic sleeping pill"

    [Google Definition]

As a noun, "a narcotic,' kava is a substance that affects mood or behavior. It is sold for BOTH medical and nonmedical purposes. Definitely NOT an illegal one. The mention of legality here is particularly notable, as calling something "a narcotic" implies illegality. The word "harmful" is implied but missing, I think.

Though technically, by the definition of Narcotic:

The term narcotic (/nɑrˈkɒtɨk/, from ancient Greek ναρκῶ narkō, "to make numb") originally referred medically to any psychoactive compound with any sleep-inducing properties. [Wikipedia]​

So by THAT definition, you could make an argument that it IS.

As an adjective, the association with illegal narcotic drugs is still evoked in the mind. And the synonyms offered by Google's definition system apply (soporific, sleep-inducing, pain-relieving, analgesic, anesthetic (to a degree), tranquilizing, sedative) but also don't apply (opiate, stupefacient, anodyne) as these definitely do NOT. In particular, "opiate" is a problem. They're the most addictive and destructive drugs on the planet.

But I think the coca-leaf derived narcotics are what everyone thinks of. And this drug ramps up in tolerance quickly, is incredibly addictive both mentally and physically, and comes with nasty withdrawals. And it's hella Schedule I illegal in the USA. Stories of trafficking in that stuff are filled with brutal violence and corrupt "friendly spider-infested countries to the south." [Dave Barry]

That's REALLY not kava. At all.

I really don't like seeing the word "narcotic" associated with kava. It's completely inappropriate given what the term narcotic has become in modern cultures. By the historic definition of it, though, it *IS* narcotic. It fits, but it's SO out of place getting lumped in with all that dangerous stuff.

Deleted User01

Most if not all narcotics are addictive and kava is not addictive. Kava is a beneficial Botanical that can be mildly sedating or mood uplifting depending on the strain. I'm sure there is a fancy pharmaceutical name for something like that. How is coffee or alcohol classified? Hmmm, a "Botanical Mood Enhancer". Or simply a "Natural Sleep Aid". There ya go. You want to keep the word narcotic out of there and that's also why I don't like the word Krunked. Sounds too much like Drunk and is a relative to Stoned and Loaded.


Totally agree and thanks @Steve Mariotti for posting this.
I mean Google and Wikipedia are filtered and biased crap the masses lap up like truth.
I talk to many people face to face an tell them what they read and watch is mostly garbage. Then when I say "take this" or apply this"...they are scared. If they only knew how long the Tribal Communities have been employing these remedies and foods without any problems...well I'll leave that up to the reader.
I've been on many Forums where people just want "scientific peer reviewed" so called truth before they believe, when in actuality as you know,experience is truth.
After all,when you look back in History...it was the actual agreed experience that was handed down and employed without the problems of the current Digital Age. We currently have a gap in that handing down of rites and I hope that will change.
Way too many believe a pack of lies because of mass media and that is what I fight against even with my closest friends and Family to dispell by trusting me and trying "alternatives" (which I hate the term, as they were and are the best and safest options) because I have studied and employed a lot.

Keep up the fight people...one day as we gather more and more, I think we will reclaim our rights if we keep at it.

My 4 year old Daughter gets what most Adults don't, and I'm proud of that.


I'm interested in things
I think this usage of "narcotic" might actually come from V. Lebot's Kava: The Pacific Elixer:


Here the word "narcotic" is used in the original sense of simply a drug that makes you sleepy, without any negative connotations. Unfortunately, the word has acquired a bad reputation through it's association will illegal substances, so is probably best avoided, to avoid this confusion.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I think this usage of "narcotic" might actually come from V. Lebot's Kava: The Pacific Elixer:

View attachment 3272 View attachment 3273

Here the word "narcotic" is used in the original sense of simply a drug that makes you sleepy, without any negative connotations. Unfortunately, the word has acquired a bad reputation through it's association will illegal substances, so is probably best avoided, to avoid this confusion.
Hay man that sounds good to me, we now have a HipNarcotic. :woot:



Kava Enthusiast
And it's hella Schedule I illegal in the USA.
Haha, you are definitely from NorCal. I used to live in Oakland and every time I see "hella" I know what type of scoundrel I'm dealing with ;-)

Maybe it's just me, but I agree that it's a type of narcotic. Not as crazy as the others because it's not addictive and doesn't make you eat babies and small dogs, but it sure fits the description.

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Haha, you are definitely from NorCal. I used to live in Oakland and every time I see "hella" I know what type of scoundrel I'm dealing with ;-)
Guilty as charged. Hella guilty.
Maybe it's just me, but I agree that it's a type of narcotic. Not as crazy as the others because it's not addictive and doesn't make you eat babies and small dogs, but it sure fits the description.
It's narcotic in the archaic definition, or the one used by pharmacology and probably a fair bit of the scientific community. And by the medical profession 100 years ago. It has no business being used to apply to kava in modern times, though. The word "narcotic" diverged from the shared definition a long long time ago.


I would definitely agree that the term Narcotic has been overused today and generally has a single negative connotation in relation to harmful/illicit drugs. Like @Deleted User said above,
I think we all know that Kava doesn't fit this "definition".
If you think about the Latin/Greek roots of Narco then it's more about numbness which is what Kava does do.
You also have Narcolepsy and that has nothing to do with external factors that are taken into the body as a chemical compound.
Personally I like "General and nonspecific reversible depression of neuronal excitability" from the word Narcosis, which is a state the root puts you in ;)