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Kava Curious
The only time I was offered the chance I was already highly effected by other substances and couldn't separate out what the K@ was doing. I got a hair up my ass a couple of weeks ago and tried to order some but it turns out I live in an area where it has banned in a bill banning all sorts of other substances. How disappointing. What are your thoughts on the stuff?

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
A lot of people use way too much and get into trouble. Less is more. Like any herb, with a bit of discipline and caution, it can be a useful herb. I had a classical migraine yesterday but quickly took some Picamillon, K@, and another popular herb that helps with nausea, my head still hurt but I didn't care that it hurt at that point. Today, I feel like I have a mild hangover, no sudden movements or my head starts throbbing, but it wasn't the horrible ordeal that migraines used to be. I find that K@ is more useful for rheumatoid arthritis pain than kava, but you want to use just enough to do the trick, limit to once or twice a day, alternate with stem and vein powder, and take a break when your tolerance starts increasing.

Slow Native

All the way!!
Ill take 4 tablespoons tossed n washed and feel grrreeeat. The regular style K@ has always worked the best for me. Special stuff never seemed any more potent


Kava Enthusiast
I am currently on red vein maeng den K@ from Ktbot and it's sooo good. It's is a new mix of mellow and stimulation along with quite a head rush. I use K@ once a week or less at low dosages, normally for a relaxing day or to just have fun.I also find it quite helpful for anxiety and I usually need something to help me relax, kava does it, but K@ does it without sedation I find.

Kt botanicals has the best K@ on the market, hands down.

Slow Native

All the way!!
I used to use it on the weekend for recreational purposes. I've had experiences where I felt like I was coming up on E very rapidly ( big rush from the core and up into the head) my now fiancé, gf at that time actually threw up from such rapid onset of effect, so she won't touch it anymore lol.. All in all I like the more stimulating strains and dosages. Not a fan of the barb like effects at higher doses.
Haven't used the stuff in quite some time, should look at getting some from KT again sometime soon!


Kava Curious
Yeah, I love K@. I take it about twice a day, five days a week. I only take about 2 grams in the AM and 5 grams in the PM. It works wonders for focusing and anxiety. The only drawback is, yes it is addictive...but at the same time, it's not a detriment to your body. It's packed full of antioxidants. If it was bad for your mind and body, the addictive nature would be more troublesome to me.


Kava Enthusiast
Pleasant for me in very small dosages, like 3 grams or so. Anything else is guarenteed nausea. My girlfriend prefers it to kava.


Kava Curious
I prefer it over kava as well, but I'm still a kava noob. Only a few months and, while I've had some decently pleasant experiences, I still feel like I haven't really "gotten" there yet.

And yeah, I pretty much steer clear of extracts. Every few months or so I'll get a small treat, but that's about it.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
4 tablespoons seems insane to me unless the stuff you got was weak that's got to be the better part of an ounce. 10 grams is the max that I've done that was probably about 1 tablespoon figuring about 3 grams per tsp.

Slow Native

All the way!!
The K@ material I consume at 4 tbs is commercial grade crushed leaf (not powder form). Have had the maeng da and couldn't feel the difference, possible old batch?


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
I owe a good part of still being alive to K@. It works wonders to satisfy opiate cravings/withdrawals, as well as minimize triggers in the first place (depression, anxiety, etc.). It's something one needs to respect, but when used responsibly K@ is a godsend.


Kava Curious
For me when I weigh up all the negatives I just don't think K@ is worth it to be honest. Terrible taste, nausea, seratonin crash, next day hangover and addiction potential, they all far out weigh the positives. I can see how it can be a great help to many people though.


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
Dubkava, while it does have addiction potential, the prohibitioNazis have blown it way out of proportion. I'm not sure if you've used it personally, but for most people nausea accompanies only excessive dosing. I've never had any terrible side-effects like a next day hangover or crash. It's a case of the media sensationalizing anything they can, just like they propagated the previously widespread rumor that kava causes jaundice. If you've tried it and that's what you experienced, then I apologize. But, if you haven't, know that very few people experience that. Having said that, it's certainly not for everyone because of the addiction potential, however benign it may be. It's not the best choice for herbal recreation, and kava's probably a less risky bet if anxiolytic effects are the only goal.


Kava Enthusiast
I used K@ to ween off suboxone after kicking a horrid dope habit and never got any effects from it other than diminishing withdrawal symtoms. I imagine I hardwired mu opioid receptors to only feel powerful opiates and K@ doesn't register for me. I've tried it numerous times since I've kicked and would get no effect other than puking when I drank a ton hoping to get an effect. I imagine it's all in my receptor. I just got over bronchitis and was prescribed a huge bottle of promethize/codeine cough syrup (purple sizzurp) and got no effect off that either, but used it as prescribed sort of.


Kava Enthusiast
I would say that capsules are kind of a gimmic and a waste of money. Tea is okay but your better off getting fine ground powder and doing toss and wash or mixing it in with pudding or yogurt. I'd recommend kratomforest.com they have always been reputable, the Thai ong phat (thai of the gods) is pretty good alot like maeng da but better. My favorite was the 8x K@ resin, it makes prep a snap. Just heat up a half cup of water and disolve a chunk and drink it, it actually tastes good and not god awful bitter like real krtom tea. Alot of the powder extracts are a blatent waste of money and your better off going with leaf.

There are two main varieties of K@; rifat and bumblebee. Rifit usually comes from Thailand and costs more, maeng da is a classic rifat strain. Rifats tend to be more stimulating but also more potent than bumblebee strains. Bumblebee typically comes from Indonesia and bali is the most well known type. It is much more relaxing and sedating than rifat but not as potent so more material is required to get a good effect, but it usually costs much less. I always liked a good sumatra or just a plain bali. My doses were usually way too high to even bother with capsules as I made 25-50 grams of leaf into a batch of tea that would last for a day. Keep in mind that I was coming off a fierce dope addiction and my opiod receptors are fucked.

Your best bet would be to get some white grapefruit juice as it inhibits your liver from processing the mitragine out of your system as quikly, making it more potent and have a longer half life. Basically toss and with grapefruit juice, do a teaspoon at a time and wait awhile between doses to find your sweet spot, as it's easy to go overboard and spend the rest of the day puking.