Ha ha
I don't think kava has any effect on blood sugar, it didn't for me anyway.There is a thread, topic I think "resistant starch," where this came up. I'm pretty diligent about knowing how foods affect my blood sugar levels, kava included. Several occasions I've tested before, during, and for several hours after a kava session and saw no fluctuations in my blood glucose.
If drinking something sweet makes you feel "pretty good" after not having eaten for a little while you might be experiencing some reactive hypoglycemia (feeling off once blood sugar levels have been lowered by insulin).
There's more than one way to look at it. You can eat more often, which technically keeps your blood sugar fluctuations in a more narrow range and you won't feel the dips as much. But this results in an overall greater amount of insulin being present in the body, which is conducive to various undesirable metabolic issues over time. Average blood glucose remains more elevated as well.
Another approach would be to consume foods that have very little to no impact on blood sugar. Blood sugar and insulin levels normalize, eliminating crashes. The body also becomes more sensitive to insulin, allowing the pancreas to function more efficiently. Sometimes there are feelings of reactive hypoglycemia until the body gets used to its new normal constant blood sugar level. When blood sugar levels remain constant despite food intake it becomes very easy for one to go without eating for long stretches of time if needed.