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Kava and bowl movements


Kava Curious
I'll cut straight to the chase on this one as I've wanted to ask this question for quite some time now.

Is it normal to immediately go to the toliet for a bowl movent after you have consumed kava?
I seem to go almost instantaneously after my first shell or 2. If so is this due to kava being g quite a fibrous liquid once mixed or does it stimulate something within the bowl which makes you want to have a movemen
It also seems that my bowl movements have become alot more frequent since I have been consuming kava on a daily basis...


Kava Enthusiast
Kava definitely moves my bowels shortly after I consume it. No idea why. The fiber hypothesis seems plausible but kava may also have additional laxative properties.


Yaqona Dina
I gotta go to the toilet often when I'm drinking kava, but usually just for number one.

Coffee though... coffee gets my system moving.


Kava Curious
Well definitely a laxative like affect on my end of the spectrum, however i do suffer the following mornings/afternoons with frequent movements with the odd stomach rumble, I just hope this is a normal thing and not something that I just experience...