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Kava and gynecomastia?

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Kava Curious
Anyone experience any gynecomastia (breast growth) symptoms while using kava? I recently upped my dosage of kava over the last 2 weeks and am now experiencing a sore, painful right nipple with a small hard lump underneath it. After thinking what could have caused it and researching the net I found that kava increases prolactin levels and is actually in numerous products that promote breast growth. Thanks.


Yaqona Dina
I know numerous kava drinkers who've been drinking it regularly for 30-50 years and never heard of such a thing.
After thinking what could have caused it and researching the net I found that kava increases prolactin levels and is actually in numerous products that promote breast growth. Thanks.
I did some quick googling and like you, found numerous breast-enhancement "herbal" products claiming to use kava, but no studies to back up its usage in such products. Do you have any links to relevant studies?


As a mere banana slug I am not qualified to give medical advice. However, if I were you I would take the Kavasseur's advice immediately.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
When I went through puberty I got tender lumps that formed behind my nipple, my friends and I eloquently dubbed this condition "Chunky Nipple Disease"...it went away and I never grew boobs. I also wasn't drinking kava back then.

I drink large doses of kava, nightly, and haven't noticed any changes nor have I heard it come up over the years of being on the forum. I think there was a girl on here recently, asking if it might be responsible for her sudden onset lactation...no official conclusion on that, but there may have been references to it in Dr. Lebot's kava book.
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Phoenix, AZ
Kava Vendor
When I went through puberty I got tender lumps that formed behind my nipple, my friends and I eloquently dubbed this condition "Chunky Nipple Disease"...it went away and I never grew boobs. I also wasn't drinking kava back then.

I drink large doses of kava, nightly, and haven't noticed any changes nor have I heard it come up over the years of being on the forum. I think there was a girl on here recently, asking if it might be responsible for her sudden onset lactation...no official conclusion on that, but there may been references to that in Dr. Lebot's kava book.
Just looked it up in Kava: The Pacific Elixir. Nothing about breasts, other than a guy who's wife died, and he found kava to give him solace and sleep. Turns out, kava grew from her breast though, so he was essentially drinking her breast milk. As in, the breast milk was whisking him away like unto a liquid lullaby.

...that got weird real quick. I would post the rest of the page, but it became even more strange thereafter.


Kava Curious
When I went through puberty I got tender lumps that formed behind my nipple, my friends and I eloquently dubbed this condition "Chunky Nipple Disease"...it went away and I never grew boobs. I also wasn't drinking kava back then.

I drink large doses of kava, nightly, and haven't noticed any changes nor have I heard it come up over the years of being on the forum. I think there was a girl on here recently, asking if it might be responsible for her sudden onset lactation...no official conclusion on that, but there may have been references to it in Dr. Lebot's kava book.
I too had the painful nipples associated with puberty so I may be more prone to it. Maybe it was something totally non Kava related but I have taken steps to combat the gynecomastia and the pain is subsiding. Thanks for the replies
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