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Kava and ibroprofen

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Kava Enthusiast
Been drinking kava all day to help with a headache it isn't helping. If I take a ibroprofen will it combine with the kava to kill me ?


Kava Enthusiast
It doesn't sound like too much if it's spread over hours. I've used Ibuprofen and it didn't kill me but I wouldn't use kava for headaches. Cannabis has helped me
in similar situations without risks to the liver. I usually get some place dark and cool and stay as still as possible before I take Ibuprofen. Drinking more kava may well be putting more fuel on the fire.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
This might sound weird but it depends on the headache. I have used Nene with good effects for almost anything I've had wrong with me even when you'd think it would be the last thing you would need, stomach ache, headache, muscle aches, cold and flu, you name it. If the headache is even partly due to dehydration then kava is only ever going to make it worse. I'd imagine that if you've drunk 2 gallons of water you may well be dehydrated anyway if you've not taken in any electrolytes with it. When I first started drinking kava I would drink so much water and I couldn't figure out why I still felt like crap. Look into some salt tablets and some b vitamins. Those two have really helped me. In theory ibuprofen is safe to take with kava where paracetamol (or whatever you call it) is not because ibuprofen is broken down differently (different pathways in the liver?). I've used ibuprofen for a bad tooth during the day and had kava in the evening and been fine.

Deleted User01

I use to take ibuprofen like candy and everyday. I think I developed a tolerance and I finally quit doing it because I was doing it out of habit it wasn't helping anything. Now I take it when needed and it helps. Taking a dose now and then is certainly not going to kill you. Heck, it didn't kill me when I was taking 4-6 a day and I was over 40. It is nice to see the health conciousness of the members of the forum and Kava is part of that.


Kava Enthusiast
Oh, I didn't have a kava headache, I had a chinook headache and it as pretty bad. I literally never take any kind of pills I didn't end up taking them it was close. I just didn't want there to be any interactions. I am paranoid about that kind of stuff.

I'm certainly not health conscious I am looking to make some pork ribs drowned in bbq sauce wish mashed taters precious.
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