Prince Philip
Duke of Edinborogu
As a native of Tanna now living in voluntary exile in Britain, I know I have little to no right to comment on the American educational system, but as a speaker and reader of the English language and the works of its best authors, I implore you teach Lovecraft in your American Authors class.Lente said:But I'm not a doctor. Just an idiot High School English teacher. Whose grammar and spelling goes all to hell after Kava.
Perhaps this is not really a proper reply.
If I had just one author to recommend to developing young minds, Lovecraft would be it. The power of Lovecraft to expand both the mind and the vocabulary is phenomenal. It's a way of vaulting one's mind out of middle-world and into realms it was never meant to be in. As such, it can metaphorically prepare one for an acceptance of those truths now better understood by science, and as such represents a critical point in the evolution of the American Zeitgeist from that of Victorian materialism to a post-quantum world that is, in the words of Borh, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."