I'm interested in things
When I took Latin in High School, our Latin teacher taught us the obscene verses to Gaudeamus igitur (the University drinking song):
This seemed pretty hilarious in the ninth grade.
Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus;
... et cetera ..
Rapiamus puellas, seducamus matronas!
Ludamus pueris modis Graecis!
English:Juvenes dum sumus;
... et cetera ..
Rapiamus puellas, seducamus matronas!
Ludamus pueris modis Graecis!
Let us therefore rejoice,
While we are young;
... and so on ...
Let us carry off the girls, and seduce the married women!
Let us play with the boys in the 'Greek' way!
While we are young;
... and so on ...
Let us carry off the girls, and seduce the married women!
Let us play with the boys in the 'Greek' way!
This seemed pretty hilarious in the ninth grade.