I wanna post this on this thread, because it seemed appropriate.
I want to relate my evening. A fantastic evening seeing some bands alone (can't recruit a death metal crowd on a relatively short notice around here. Regardless, a fantastic night of really enjoying some music. And I found a way to integrate kava into it perfectly.
So here's the story. I'll warn all of you that this is going to be probably egregiously long because I just got home from the city and the drive's given me a lot to think about.
Here's the tl;dr for the people who don't want to or have the time to read some dude's screed online: kava has a role in a nice night out on the town. I believe it has a place. An unrecognized place. A valuable place.
Longer Version:
If you're reading this far: *serious look with hand on shoulder* you've passed the test.
It was easy to stop, I honestly didn't want to drink more than 4-6oz every 45 minutes. Basically a fat shell between bands in my car (quart jar again: handy). With a 3 hour lead time, I stopped before the last band and I was perfectly capable of piloting my automobile through the streets of SF. I knew where I was, I knew where I was going, I changed lanes as necessary I felt aware of my surroundings and while driving: focused. This is fascinating to me. I DID notice a certain fluidity to my driving that's not normally there when I navigate traffic. I'm more abrupt. I at no time felt unsafe (I would have stopped for a coffee somewhere and waited an hour just relaxing in a coffee shop. No sweat there. I ALSO noticed that I was driving well, alert, obeying the speed limit, and anticipating other drivers. I could manage to drink from a cup of water (which I drank all night, and it was great) and play with the radio, but multi-tasking seemed to be affected by the kava. Whenever I dug for something in my pockets, I found I lost awareness at one edge of alertness. Like I'd be driving slow than I'd meant to and need to speed up. Futzing with a cell phone would be a bad choice. Unless at a light to check messages or something. That's interesting about multi-tasking. I wonder what part of the brain that is, and what of the kavalactones might affect that. Anyways!
There's more!
I made a quart of traditional prep. A little less than a liter (or litre if you're outside US borders or living here) that was traditionally prepared from a mix of 2:2:1 with the cultivars being KavaBoy, Nambawan and Hanakapi'ai. I know Nambawan isn't technically a cultivar, but more of a blend but I digress.
Pacing of Shells
With my grog jar in hand, I bid adieu to my better half and drove in to the city. I parked in a lot, drank about 6-8oz of my grog. I get pretty consistent results when I brew it, and I know how much is just right. Got set up with water at the club hit the bathrooms. The water kept flowing. Hydration is important, as kava is diuretic. For me kind of like coffee is, without the stinky pee. You WANT to drink water with kava. You're thirsty, and it tastes good. And it's freakin' good for you. I watched the opening band and checked out the merch tables.
After the band, I went to the merch tables and bought t-shirts, especially for up and coming bands because I know they're hand to mouth and merch cash on hand is really valued when these smaller bands are on tour. I bought (too much) stuff, but I always do. It's a weird sort of philanthropy that's been my habit.
Anyways, sorry for the digressions. Fuck. Feel so self-indulgent here. Gong me if I'm go on too long. Just don't make me have to look at Chuch Barris' tan.
Then another large shell (4-6oz) in the car that wasn't too far, Back for the second band, drinking water primarily, but had a red bull for the, you know, wings and all. After second band, same deal. Another shell-and-a-half.
Stopped at that point, loved the last band. Really felt loose and comfortable and really, as they say, "rocked out." Screaming for the band, air guitar. This was the main segment of the evening, the headlining band. I was prepared with kava for their set. I averaged less than a shell every 30 minutes. I just drank water the whole time.
I felt relaxed and really just enjoyed the music.
I was chatty and talked to some people leaving the club for a bit. Great experience.
It Really Doesn't Take Much
All in all, I drank less than a quart, there's still some in the jar in the fridge. Maybe another 4oz or so. So not a whole lot. I didn't need or want to drink more.
At the end of the night when the house lights came up, it was back to the bathroom. I'm sure everyone's really loving the bathroom updates here. I mention it only because I'm comparing to the routine when drinking beer is pretty similar. With the added benefit that I'm drinking lots of water.
Then I drove home and started writing this up about the experience.