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kava before a dental check-up and cleaning: yay or nay?


Kava Enthusiast
Going to the the dentist for a routine check-up in a few weeks' time, my first appointment in close to three years, and I'm seriously considering drinking a moderate amount of some DHM-heavy brew beforehand.  My own thinking is that this will relax me, numb my mouth and generally make it easier to deal with the inevitable cringe-inducing scraping/cleaning.  I'm not expecting any cavities (cavity-free for life baby!) or other serious issues, by the way. 

Anyone ever done this?  Do you think it would work?  Is this a terrible idea?


I actually have done this hehe. I switched from kava to benzos when it comes to situations that legitimately scare me, like flying. Kava is almost useless for me in containing phobias, but to each his own. The dentist isn't a phobia of mine, but the anxiety that comes with knowing your going to have a guy stab and drill at your cavities is enough for me to want to drink a few shells, and in that regard, yeah it worked great! I actually enjoyed the small talk before the guy drills off your cavity! I just wouldn't drink kava if you have to pop a hydrocodone or take other drugs for surgery or pain, in which kava might potentate the unwanted side effects of other drugs.

If you won't be receiving any other drugs whilst there, then let us know how it goes! When it comes to mild anxiety kava can be a godsend.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I told my dentist I was drinking kava and they wrote that down in there files. She didn't say anything about it and was actually curious about it. The only thing she said is it's another thing that can stain your teeth due to the color. She said drink lots of water after I have anything staining like that. Pretty much it.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I've thought about it but haven't tried it yet.  I probably wouldn't do a strain that might make me nauseous or that has a really strong smell to it.


Kava Curious
I say go for it. My wife considered it (she reeeeeally hates teeth cleaning) but ended up going it alone and doing ok. She might do it for her next appointment.


Is there death before life?
Yup, do it.

I have some pretty major work to have to get done.

I neglected my teeth from a fear of dentist's, and now have more major problems. I finally bit the bullet, drank a few shells and started to go back. it worked quite well....... considering.