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Kava blamed for 2 ratlung cases in Hawaii

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Kava Lover

Before anybody panics, this was from buckets of kava left out where slugs could have crawled directly into the beverage. There is no evidence that ratlung is in properly washed fresh ʻawa roots, and there is especially little chance of finding live parasites in dry or frozen root.

And before you decide to swear off Hawaiian kava for other kinds... remember that ratlung is endemic all over the Pacific. Just don't leave an open container of ANY beverage out where slugs might get in it.
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'Awa Grower/Collector
Yes, this is a News Story which was, temporarily, big here in Hawai'i. Concerns settled down when the folks consuming the 'awa beverage revealed they had left the bucket(s) OUT overnight! I believe in a carport or porch.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Yeah, I remember when this happened a year ago. No making kava at the botanical snail & slug gardens.


Kava O.G.
Wowzas! I noticed a person commented on the article asking if freezing the awa would help. It’s a good question! Seems like covering it to begin with would be easiest though.
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