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Kava Census 2015

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Added a notification for you Deleted User. Hopefully we'll have hundreds of results :)


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
not sure if you wanna do any more changes, but the question on tudei consumption could either have an additional "occasionally" or "rarely" option ...or could be changed to say "Do you ever intentionally consume tudei ?".

I answered 'no', but in reality, I try new unknown sources when I find them, which sometimes turn out to be tudei. Instead of throwing it away, I slowly cycle through it.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
One thing I'm noticing, there are fairly few responses to the questions that ask for tablespoons in a day. Did anyone have trouble filling these out?


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I answered 'no', but in reality, I try new unknown sources when I find them, which sometimes turn out to be tudei. Instead of throwing it away, I slowly cycle through it.
I never got your response, although I do have one from your evil mirror world twin sɥɐʞɐs.


Bula To Eternity
Just filled mine out. Very Nice!!!

Assuming you would like feedback, I noticed two things I would have liked. For a few questions, I would have liked to answer multiple items, but could only pick one. For example, the question asking which type of kava do you use the most, I would have liked to pick both micronized 'and' instant. I do both about evenly, but my answer leads you to believe it's mostly micro (which is not true).

Don't recall an option for Kalm with Kava, which I consume daily (nor candy for that matter).

A biggy for me that seems to be missing but is very important to me is what effect is most important to me (i.e. heavy or heady effects) I am almost always looking for heady kava and occasionally something sedative.

It appears I can submit the survey multiple times. If so, are you planning on tossing duplicates?

Hope I'm not being too nit picky, because overall it's a very nice survey. I really like that you don't need to be a member and it can be submitted anonymously.

I also apologize in advance if I said something that you already cover that I missed.

Am very interested in seeing results.



❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I placed kalm and candy under extract, check again. I will toss duplicates and take the latest submission by time.


Kava Curious
I had the same comment as Shakas above. I think on Tudei there are 4 camps:

Never (0%)
Very low percent of overall use - rare but purposeful use (5 - 10%)
Fairly high percent of overall use, i.e., in regular rotation with noble (40 - 60%)
Always or almost always (85 - 100%)

To keep the survey simple just adding 'seldom' would probably suffice and would represent the camp that believes while you shouldn't do it often it may not be bad on rare ocassions.

Getting off topic, and I'll mention this in the other test thread, but if Wow and Stone aren't Tudei then I don't know why anyone would need Tudei, and while those may not technically be Tudei and/or have F-B, which is the main point I guess, they certainly take me until about 4 PM the next day to fully recover from the restful state.


Kava Curious
Kavadude, I did get confused about tbs per day and per serving, but it only took 30 seconds of staring at it to make sense of it.

For ultimate clarity you could do something like this:

Many people consume several rounds of Kava in one sitting that may span an hour or several hours. Do you usually take Kava once or in many rounds?

I do both depending on circumstance

If you do many rounds, for those occasions, how many rounds would you do?

2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 8, 9, 10, 10+

How many hours does this generally take?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10+

For these longer sessions specify what kind of Kava you take:

medium grind

how many tbs of that type do you take in a single round?

0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5

And how many tbs is that overall across all of the rounds?

[Number from 1 to 64]

Also - if you guys really want to get into this, I think this could be a really important set of questions:

Does your immediate family or roomates know you do Kava?

Do they approve of you taking Kava?

Have they taken Kava with you?

Do they generally like doing Kava with you, or would they prefer not to?

When you do Kava at home are they:

Don't care

I suggest this because it is frequently reported in the anti-Kava literature that Kava separates people from their families, and the wives hate it because the guys sit there and drink Kava all day and don't interact or do things that are useful to society.

In fact, that would set up another question or two:

Has Kava ever interfered with your work or personal/social commitments you've made?

Has Kava every helped your work or personal/social commitments you've made?


'Awa Grower/Collector
It is an interesting census. While I do not suggest these changes, a "comments" section would be nice, but that's what I'm doing now isn't it--
1- "recreational"/"medicinal" ... my use is neither, it is more like ritual or also related here in Hawai'i an 'aumakua. It puts me in the place of evenings and will offer up great dreams;
2- fresh grind and/or fresh frozen grind from my garden, lomi and strain, is how I consume the beverage, not instant or dry (nothing against those mind you and GHK instant is great,);


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Alia -- I never even considered fresh! I'm too jealous! I will edit that in post. If anyone else consumes primarily fresh, let me know.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Alright, responses finally slowed down. I'm going to add one more chat box announcement thing as soon as I remember how (got a few extra responses last time that way) and then finish it up.